Guess who's back

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Buzz Buzz Buzz

I tossed a pillow, knocking my stupid alarm clock off the dresser. Ugh, another year, another time, dealing with the losers again. It's terrible when you say that about your damn family.

"Get up, loser, or you will make us late," Matthew said.

"Get out, idiot," I yelled, throwing a glass at Matt, making it hit the wall and shattering into pieces, falling onto the floor.

"Missed me," Matt yelled as he stuck out his tongue at me, then leaving. I flipped him off with Dad greeted me, who gave me one of his infamous looks.

"What?" I asked with a shrug.

"Elizabeth, what have we told you about breaking things?" Dad asked me.

"That I will have to work it off at the office. I get it, Dad, but in my defense, Matt is an idiot, and he called me a loser first," I said, defending myself.

"That's still no excuse," Dad said.

"Yeah, sure," I said, rolling my eyes, causing Dad to roll his eyes back at me.

"Is Elizabeth up?" Mom yelled.

"Yeah, baby, Elizabeth is up. Barely, but she is, and she's in a mood," Dad yelled back to Mom.

"Well, tell Elizabeth to get out of her mood and get ready, or she will be late, and then she can deal with Junior!" Mom yelled.

"You heard the woman," Dad said, laughing.

Perfect, the last person I wanted to deal with is Junior. I swear he's worse than Dad when Dad was younger.

In case you're wondering who my parents are, that would be Ryan and Alex Jones. They had my twin brother Matthew and me and our younger brother, Ryan Jr., RJ, as we like to call him. We had to do something when they both answered to the name Ryan.

Junior is my cousin. His parents are Uncle Frazier and Aunt Marissa. He also has three younger siblings, the triplets, Mackenzie, Austin, and Nikolaus, or as we like to call them, the hellions because trust me, they are pure crazy.

There is also Uncle Jordan and Aunt Elena, who have Elijah, who is a senior like my brother and me, and his younger brothers Liam and Jordan, Jr., but we call him JJ for short. We also call them double trouble, especially when they get together with the hellions and RJ. For newcomers, they sure are more trouble than the four of us, and our parents put together.

In case you're wondering who I am, I'm Elizabeth. You heard my mother's story, and now you will listen to my account. Buckle up; it will be one heck of a crazy ride.

I guess I should start from the beginning, which leads us to the present day of getting reprimanded by Dad and dealing with my idiot twin. I got dressed and ready for school. Today was the first day at Saintwood High. Our parents were notorious at school, along with Junior and now us.

You mention the last name Jones, Shaw, and Frazier, and people leave you alone. Well, there were a few exceptions, but they always got Matthew's fist in their mouth. He took more after Uncle Jordan, then Dad. Junior was more like Dad, keeping us all in line, and Elijah was like Uncle Frazier. How odd is that?

I was like Mom, with the exception that I yelled at my idiot brother and cousins.

Everything was fine until the six troublemakers arrive this year, starting their freshmen year. Fantastic! Can you tell I'm so enthused?

I came downstairs to find many people in my house. Today was a special day for all of us, more like social suicide for all of us.

There was pure chaos in the kitchen. The hellions already started with Junior grabbing the boys by the back of their shirts. "Knock it off, you little assholes!" Junior barked.

"Yeah, knock it off, assholes," mocked Mackenzie.

Junior grabbed her shirt. "That goes for you, too. Just because you're a girl doesn't make you any more special. So, knock it off!" Junior barked.

"You can't touch me! Dad said so." Mack stuck her tongue out at Junior.

Oh, good lord. Mack was worse than the boys.

"Who can't touch you?" Uncle Frazier said, coming into the kitchen.

"You do not allow Junior to touch me. You said so," Mack said in a nasty tone.

"Well, that's true, but remember the rules don't apply if you're acting jerky, and you're doing that, honey," Frazier said with his hands on his hips, shrugging.

"But Dad," Mack whined.

"No, buts Mack. You know the rules. Junior is in charge of all of you. We all decided this when you guys were younger. We only supersede him when he's out of hand, but Uncle Ryan has taught him well," Frazier said, taking a seat next to Dad.

Elijah sat down next to Uncle Frazier. "Uncle Frazier, I developed a new prank."

"Oh, yeah? Lay it on me," Frazier said as Elijah explained his new prank to him.

Jordan came in with the double troubles, who met up with the hellions.

"Elijah! Why didn't you wait for your brothers?" Jordan asked.

"Seriously, Dad, I'm a senior this year plus remember what happened last year," Elijah said to his dad.

"Don't remind me. It still pisses your mother. That's why she skipped the first day this year." Jordan ran his hand through his jet black hair.

In case you're wondering what happened. Well, it seems the double trouble twins tried to prank Elijah but got Aunt Elena with a bucket of paint over the door. It pissed her off.

I do wonder if our parents didn't switch all of us at birth.

"Uncle Jordan, I have some new moves I want to try out on you," Matthew said to Jordan.

"We'll hit the training facility this evening," Jordan suggested. "I'm sure your dad and Uncle Frazier would like to get some training in, too."

"Sweet," Matt said.

"As nice as it is seeing everyone, all of you should head to school before you're late," Mom yelled over the noise.

We all grabbed some food and went out the door, leaving the adults behind in the kitchen.

"Finally, peace," Mom said, grabbing a cup of coffee and taking a seat next to Dad, who kissed her.

"Yeah, but it's nice to have them all under one roof. Next year it won't be like that," Dad reminded Mom.

"I know, but let's hope things go better for them, then they did for us," Mom replied.

"Should we worry, Alex?" Asked Frazier.

"No, I don't think so. I will grab a shower," Mom said, getting up from the table.

After Mom left the room, Jordan looked at Dad. "You know your wife is a terrible liar."

"You know, Alex. She doesn't want to burden anyone with anything," Dad said.

"What aren't you telling us, man?" Frazier asked.

"Alex got another letter with no return address. They're threatening to go after Elizabeth," Dad answered.

Frazier picked up his phone.

"Who are you calling?" Dad asked.

"Junior. I'm sure between him, Elijah, and Matthew, they'll protect Elizabeth. Plus, with my hellions, the double trouble twins, and RJ, the person would be stupid to pick a fight with Elizabeth. If that doesn't work, then they get to deal with us," Frazier said as he started talking to Junior on the phone.

"What is it?" Jordan asked.

"If something happens to Elizabeth, it'll break Alex. Elizabeth is Alex's mini-me," Dad replied.

"What about you? As protective you are of Alex, you're ten times more protective of Elizabeth. If someone hurts her, you'll kill them," Jordan said to Dad.

"No doubt. Let's hope it doesn't come to that," Dad said, taking a sip of coffee.

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