Trouble in the form of Maddox

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Drew and I was closer than ever. We spent most of our time together when we could, albeit Dad watching us like a hawk. I even talk to Bad about starting up training again. Drew was right. I couldn't let Maddox control me. I needed to fight.

Today after school, I was meeting Dad at the training facility along with Drew and the other guys. I needed conditioning if I wanted to fight.

I was on my way to meet Drew to go to the facility after school when Maddox stopped me. I tried to move around him when he kept blocking my path.

"Get out of my way, Maddox!" I barked.

"What's wrong? Don't have your bodyguards to protect you?" Maddox asked in a snarky tone.

"I don't need bodyguards. I can take care of myself," I snapped. I threw a punch, and Maddox caught my fist and pushed me down onto the floor.

Maddox slowly walked towards me as I scooted backward on my butt. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, guess you can't."

As I backed up, I backed right up to feet. I looked up and saw the same two guys with Maddox at Homecoming, standing there.

"Pick this bitch up and follow me," Maddox ordered the guys. They nodded and yanked me up, both holding my arms as they dragged me down the hall. I kicked and screamed, but it was no use, and I hung my head in defeat. I knew what was coming.

Matt and Elijah walked out to the car, joking around, finding Drew leaning against his bike.

"Have you seen Liz?" Drew asked.

"Not since the fifth hour, I thought Liz was meeting you after class?" Matt questioned.

"She plans to meet me," Drew said, getting concerned.

"That's weird. Liz is usually on time," Elijah said.

Then they heard a blood-curdling scream, and all three took off toward it.

"I told you to be quiet, bitch," Maddox yelled at me. He delivered another blow to my face as I struggled in the two guys' grasp. "Keep the stupid bitch still," Maddox barked at them, and they nodded as they held on a little too tight, and then I felt a snap. I let out a blood-curdling scream as the pain surge up my arm.

They dropped me as I grabbed my arm, screaming in pain as blood pooled in my mouth and running out of my nose. Maddox crouched and delivered blow after blow, and the others delivered kicks. I couldn't keep my eyes open, and as they slowly closed, I saw people running toward me. Drew, Matt, and Elijah, my saviors, then everything went black.

Elijah pulled the shorter guy off me while Matt took on the bigger one, and Drew went after Maddox. "Get off of her!" Drew growled.

Drew pulled Maddox from me and delivered one hard blow, breaking his nose and sending him flying onto the ground. He rushed over to me and checked to see if I was breathing. I wasn't. He started CPR, yelling at the other guys. They dropped the guys they were beating the living shit out of and came over to us.

"Call 911! Liz isn't breathing!" Drew screamed, blowing air into my mouth while Matt helped him, pumping my heart. Finally, they got a heartbeat, and the ambulance arrived in time.

Drew climbed inside the ambulance with me while Matt called Dad. Elijah looked over and found the three guys gone.

"Where are they?" Asked an impatient Jordan.

"Drew and Liz are probably playing smoochy, smoochy," Frazier said, acting like he is making out with someone.

"Dude, I will beat your ass if you keep talking about my daughter like that," Dad said, shooting Frazier a look, making Frazier stop. Dad's phone rang. He picked it up and answered it, "There had better be a good reason you're all late, Matthew."

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