Midterm headaches

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Do you ever have one dream where you're naked in school or flunked all your classes? Yeah, I had one that included both. I shot up, sitting in my bed, sweating profusely, and I understand why? It's not like its finals, and we're graduating yet. These were midterms.

All of us were busy studying for midterms at our house. There were so many of us scattered around the living room. My parents had to step over us to go into another room. You're wondering why the eleven of us were all at my house? It was more comfortable for our parents to keep track of us, plus my parents made sure all of us were studying and not screwing off.

I was sitting at the table with Drew, Matt, Elijah, and Davina, reviewing for my history midterm. Dad and Mom brought trays of hot coffee to the five of us, then took some to the younger kids.

Things were quiet when the Aunts and Uncles came in to check on us.

"How's the study sessions going?" Jordan asked.

"Considering no one has cracked yet, I would say so far, so good," Ryan said to Jordan.

"It's tranquil in here," Frazier added.

"That's a good thing, you idiot," Elena said, rolling her eyes.

"No, like an eerily quiet," Frazier said to Elena.

"Frazier, you're so," Elena said. Frazier shushed her.

Frazier walked over to the door wall as we were busy studying and looked outside. The adults looked at Frazier, and Dad said, "Frazier, I think Elena is right. I think you're paranoid."

Frazier waved at Dad, shushing him. He stood there, looking as they watched him and then he saw it. He spun and yelled, "Everyone gets down!"

As Frazier dove, pulling Marissa with him, a shot rang out, causing us all to scramble out of our spots behind the kitchen counters.

"Junior! Get the kids out of the living room!" Frazier yelled to Junior. Junior quickly ushered the six of the younger kids into the hallway as someone opened fire on the house, shooting it up.

Drew covered me as I buried my head into him as everyone did the same thing.

As bullets riddled our house, whizzing past us, Dad shouted to Jordan and Dylan, "Make the call!"

The three of them pulled out their cellphones and dialed a number each. A different person answered each one of them, but with the bullets flying, it was hard for them to say anything. They left the cellphones open as gunfire continued.

As the gunman pinned us down in our house, it halted.

"Someone should check to see if it's clear," Frazier said.

"And get our heads blown off? Are you fucking insane?" Dad snapped at Frazier.

"Then what do you suggest we do, genius," Frazier shot back.

"You know if you're so damn curious, why don't you check?" Jordan yelled at Frazier. Then they started bickering like a married couple.

Drew stood up, and I yanked on his arm. "What are you doing? Are you nuts?" I questioned.

"Only for you, baby," Drew grinned. Great, my idiot boyfriend will get his idiot ass shot as he makes jokes. Drew slowly looked over the counter only to have a bullet fly past his head, and gunfire starts again. He quickly got back down. "I guess they didn't finish yet."

We all rolled our eyes at Drew as he shrugged, then his phone went off. He answered it, "Hello?" We couldn't make out what the other person was saying but could hear Drew's side. "Oh, you know, studying for midterms and pinned down with gunfire, nothing new there. How was your night? Uh, huh, yeah? I'm guessing two, maybe another one. Well, no, I didn't see the gunmen. I was busy watching a bullet fly past my head." Drew rolled his eyes as we all looked at him, and he shrugged.

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