The Next Generation Christmas

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Since we got to start Christmas break early, Mom and Dad had a surprise for us. Dad gathered everyone in the living room of Frazier's house, including our aunts and uncles, along with our cousins.

"So, with everything that happened, I talked to Alex, and we decided for Christmas this year, we are all going home and to stay with my parents," Dad said.

We all looked at Dad, saying nothing. Grandpa and Grandma didn't live that far from us, which made little sense to stay there. He looked at us, then added, "The reason we are going to their house because it's big enough to hold all of us, plus a few additional surprises such as the entire family, including our aunts and uncles."

Okay, seeing our many Aunts and Uncles along with our other grandparents would be cool, but it would still be fun to see them here, but whatever. We looked at Dad, and I said, "Okay, Dad, a great surprise." I stood up and patted him on the shoulder as I went upstairs.

"Matt?" Dad said.

Matt stood up. "Maybe a ski trip or something, but I guess family is cool, too." He shrugged as he went upstairs.

"RJ?" Dad said.

RJ stood up and looked at our parents. "No offense, but this is lame, but it's whatever." He followed us. The other cousins shook their heads without saying something and went upstairs, leaving the adults and Drew behind.

Drew sat on the couch while Dad looked at Mom, "I thought they would be more excited?"

"They will be, once they see the real surprise," Mom smiled.

Drew stood up and looked at Dad, "She's right, but I think you could have thought of something better than the grandparents."

Dad looked from Mom to Drew. "Okay, smartass, what would you suggest?"

"Anything other than the grandparents. I think you're losing your touch, old man," Drew smirked.

Dad glared at Drew, and he shrugged, strolling away. He looked at Mom, "That kid will be the death of me."

"Yeah, but at least it'll be funny to watch," Mom laughed.

"You think this is funny? I'll give you something to laugh about," Dad said as he chased Mom upstairs.

"Some things never change," Frazier said.

"Nope," Jordan said in agreement.

I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling, exhaling deeply. Why are we going to our grandparents? Seriously, Dad? I love seeing my family, but that was hardly a surprise. Drew came into my room and took a spot next to me on the bed.

"You know the ceiling will still look the same no matter how long you stare at," Drew said to me.

"Just thinking," I said.

"Thought I smelled something burning," Drew grinned.

I looked at Drew and hit him with a pillow. He grabbed it and placed it behind his head as he took my hand. I sighed.

"It'll be okay plus who wouldn't want to see their family at Christmas time," Drew said to me.

I looked at Drew; then it hit me. Hunter left most holidays while he worked for Mason, so this would be the first time Drew had a real family Christmas. I reached, touching his cheek and said, "I'm sorry. I forgot that your dad usually left around this time. This year you get to spend it with both parents together."

"It's okay. Dad usually Skype with us," Drew shrugged.

"But you'll get to be in the same room with both of them," I said as I sat up excitedly.

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