Save me from the Hellions!

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Two days later, they released me from the hospital with another week of school off, but I still had to see a therapist. No matter how hard I tried to get out of it, they forced me to go.

The Fire Marshall investigated the fire, and he deemed it an arson. Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. It wasn't like we didn't see a Molotov cocktail chucked through our living room. They questioned all of us to see if any of us did it. The guys were less than thrill accused of setting the fire, especially Dad, but as Mom pointed out, it was a standard operating procedure. Yeah, they could shove their processes up to their ass because we were without a home at the moment.

Life at the Frazier house was, um, exciting, especially with the hellions. What was even better? Mack developed a slight crush on Drew since Homecoming. Great, now I had to deal with this on top of her equally crazy brothers.

I was taking it easy in my bedroom, trying to get rest when my door flew open. Drew ran inside, slamming it shut and locking it. I sat up and looked at him quizzically. I heard pounding and yelling on the other side of the door.

"Oh, Drewie poo, I know you're in there! You can run, but you can't hide," Mack yelled.

"Drewie poo?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Drew looked at me, mouthing. "Save me."

Then suddenly I heard more thumping. "Come out; we know you're in there!" That was Austin.

"Yeah, you don't want to make this harder on yourself than you already have," yelled Nik.

"Leave my Drewie poo alone," shouted Mack.

"Over our dead bodies," said Austin.

"Yeah, if our sister likes someone, we want to know his intentions," added Nik.

"What are you, old men?" Mack asked her brothers.

"No, good brothers looking out for their sister," Austin said.

As they argued back and forth, I crawled out of bed and walked over to Drew.

"Aren't you going to do something?" Drew asked.

"I don't know, Drewie poo. You seem like you have everything under control," I smirked.

"Stop calling me that!" Drew exclaimed.

"What? Drewie poo? Drewie poo. Drewie poo. Drewie poo," I said, giggling.

"Drewie poo, come out," Mack yelled again.

"Um, I can't," Drew said through the door.

"And why not?" Mack asked.

"Because I need to see my girlfriend," Drew responded.

It was silent, and we looked at each other, then we heard a crash against the door, causing Drew to slide across the floor. He looked up, and standing, there were three furious hellions.

"What do you mean, girlfriend? I thought we had something special," Mack snapped at Drew.

"Look, I know you think there is something special between us, but it was one dance. Liz is my girlfriend," Drew said, trying to diffuse the situation which pissed Mack more.

"That's it! Get him!" Mack ordered her brothers as they all charged Drew, and like a fool, I stepped in between the hellions and Drew. That was the wrong move. I got flung into the air and tried to land without hitting my broken arm. It didn't work, and I landed with a thud, right on my cast, cracking the plaster.

I grabbed my arm as the hellions jumped on Drew, trying not to scream as I felt pain shoot up my sleeve. It was no use, and I let out a shrill scream, causing everyone to stop, and our dads run into the room.

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