Break her heart; I break your head

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. Well, that was until I heard shouting from downstairs. Then I realize it was Dad and Drew with Mom refereeing them. I ran downstairs to find Matt and RJ on the bottom step as they watched the show.

"What's going on?" I asked my brothers.

"Dad will kill Drew," RJ whispered.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened, but Dad's pissed," Matt said.

I turned to my parents and Drew.

"There is no fucking way I will allow you to date my daughter," Dad barked at Drew.

"Well, don't you think that should be Liz's decision?" Drew asked Dad, calmly.

"She's seventeen!" Dad snapped.

"So, am I. So what's your point?" Drew questioned.

"Come here! I will snap your neck! Problem solved," Dad growled as Mom stood in front of him.

"Ryan! Calm down," Mom yelled at Dad.

"Fuck calming down!" Dad snapped.

"Give Drew credit. He came over to talk to us about dating Elizabeth," Mom said calmly.

"It's bullshit, and you know it, Alex! Drew waited to earn our trust, then move in on our daughter," Dad screamed at Mom, making her wince. I remember her telling me what happened when Dad found out about Uncle Jordan and Aunt Elena.

I looked at Matt and said, "Call Uncle Dylan and Uncle Jordan."

Matt didn't hesitate and called both of our uncles, whispering to them as my parents screamed at each other while Drew stood there. Within minutes, both of my uncles were inside the house. I watched as they got in between Mom and Dad, shielding mom.

Drew watched our parents and uncles, as did the rest of us.

"Man, you don't want to do this," Dylan reasoned.

"It isn't any of your damn business! It is between my family and me," Dad snapped.

"That's where you're wrong. We're all family," said Jordan, "so I would suggest you calm your ass down before you do something stupid."

Dad looked at both of our uncles and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He turned and paced back and forth until he calmed down. Once they were, Dad calmed down; they stepped aside, away from Mom. She stood there as he looked at her, defeated.

Mom walked over to Dad and reached, touching his cheek, and he put a hand on her hand. "I'm sorry, baby."

"I know, babe," Mom answered.

"It's hard to know that our baby isn't a baby anymore," Dad said to Mom.

"I know, but you and I both know that Drew would never hurt Elizabeth," Mom whispered to Dad.

"I guess I'm not ready for Elizabeth to grow up." Dad shook his head.

"I know, but sometimes we have to let the kids grow up," Mom said, pulling Dad to her as he grabbed her tightly.

Jordan and Frazier looked at each other, then said, "Aww."

Dad flipped our uncles off as they grinned. He let go of Mom and walked over to Drew. Drew stood there with his hands shoved into his front pockets. Dad stood in front of Drew, and I came down the stairs, walking over to them.

"I'll tell you this once. Break Elizabeth's heart and I'll break your head," Dad said, looking at Drew.

"No worries there," Drew said, looking at Dad, then at me. "I made a promise to Liz, and I always keep my promise." He took his hand out of his pocket and reached for mine, interlocking our fingers.

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