Seems like old times

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They took us to the hospital and kept us overnight for observation. Matt stayed with RJ; Dad stayed with Mom, and Drew stayed with me.

The next day, I was sitting on my bed, waiting for the hospital to discharge me when I said, "I hate hospitals."

"Well, maybe you can call it your second home," Drew grinned, and I hit him with a pillow. "You know you're a lousy patient," he said, standing at the doorway. I threw another pillow at Drew, making him duck and hitting Dad with it.

The pillow fell to the floor as Drew stood up, and we both looked at Dad and Mom. Dad looked at mom, "I guess someone wants to leave."

"Yep," Mom said in agreement.

They released us from the hospital with minor injuries, thank God. We left and drove back to the remnants of our home. We all pulled up to the mess of charred wood and brick. I got out of the car and walked over to the pieces of our home. I stood there, shocked. Last night they trapped the three of us, and if it weren't for Dad, Drew, and Uncle Jordan, we would have perished in the fire.

Drew wrapped his arms around me, as the rest of my family walked over to us. Mom rubbed my arm as Dad took her arm and looked at all of us. "Thank god, we got you three out."

"What about our home?" I asked Dad.

Dad looked at Mom, then moved over to me and pulled me from Drew. He put his hands on my arms and looked into my eyes. "We can replace a house. We can't replace you three. Elizabeth, your mom, and kids are my home. With none of you nothing matters, please understand you're way more important than some brick and wood."

I pulled away from Dad, and he looked at me, then I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry, Dad."

"Elizabeth, don't be sorry. I'm glad you're all safe and alive," Dad whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.

"Well, isn't this a cozy scene?" Frazier said with a grin.

Dad gave Frazier a look and rolled his eyes, letting me go.

"You know one day that mouth of yours will get you into trouble," Dad told Frazier.

"Yeah, but I'm still here," Frazier smirked.

"Man, what a mess," Jordan said.

"Tell me about it," Dad said in frustration, running his hand through his hair.

"I hate to break up this little powwow with you three ladies, but shouldn't you figure out where you will stay?" Drew asked, walking over to them with me.

They all glared at Drew as he shrugged.

"I swear that kid is ten times worse than Frazier is," Jordan mumbled.

"I'm not that bad," Frazier said defensively. Jordan gave Frazier a look. "Well, only usual."

Drew rolled his eyes. "Well, this is pretty pointless."

"Chill, oh, smart ass, we have a plan," said Jordan.

"Well, better than to be a smart ass than a dumb ass like some I know," Drew said, thumbing at the guys. I tried not to laugh, but it was difficult, especially standing in front of our rubble of a house. They all shot Drew a look, and he said, "It's true."

"Well, since Frazier and I have the room at our houses, RJ and Matt can stay with us. Ryan, Alex and, Elizabeth can stay at Frazier's," Jordan said.

"Oh, hell, no! Every time I live with that idiot, Alex and I can't get any peace," Dad said.

"You mean 'alone' time," Frazier chimed.

"That too," Dad said.

"Great, that's what I wanted to hear, my girlfriend's parent's sex life. I think I'll stand over near that burnt up a piece of wood, considering it got more action of late, then this idiot here," Drew said, pointing to Frazier as he walked away.

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