Trouble in the shadows

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As we got everything ready to leave for next year, we were unaware of the person who stood in the darkness, watching us at my house. They pulled out a cigarette and placed it to their lips as they lit it. They took a drag from it as they watched us.

Before someone saw the person, they moved to Frazier's house, watching everything that was going on inside from the shadows. The person took another drag from the cigarette, causing the end of it to turn a bright orange color.

After a few minutes, the person made their way to Jordan's house and stood in the shadows, leaning against a tree. They finished their smoke before tossing it down and crushing it out with their shoe.

None of us were aware of is that this person had been watching us all year long. They studied us, took pictures, and did their research. We weren't some fantasy they developed in their head; now, we had become targets.

The person walked back to their car, moving in a quick, brisk stride until they reached the end of the street to where they parked their car. They climbed in and closed the door. Before putting the car in drive, the person sat there and picked up the book next to them on the seat, which was Saintwood.

The person is holding up the book as they mumbled to themselves. "Soon, Alex. Soon, you will lose what's precious to you, as will the rest of them. That is what you get for treating your fans with disrespect, you ungrateful bitch."

The person put the car in drive, and as they drove, they tossed the copy of Saintwood out of the window.

Jordan took out the trash, and on his way back inside, he came across something on the ground. He picked it up and looked at it, then furrowed his brows. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.

Hey, Jord. What's up?

"Get the others. We got a problem," Jordan answered.

Be there in five.

Jordan slid his phone back in his pocket and walked into the house. Elena was at the table, playing cards with Elijah, Davina, and the boys. They were laughing and having fun when she looked at Jordan. "Jordan, our son cheats."

"I do not! You're bad at this," Elijah said, laughing.

"Jordan? What's wrong?" Elena asked as she stood up.

"Liam, JJ, go upstairs. The others will be here soon to join you," Jordan said to the twins.

"Is everything okay, Dad?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, bud, go upstairs, please," Jordan replied.

"Sure, Dad. Come on, JJ," Liam said as they both got up and left the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Frazier came in with Marissa and the hellions.

"Hey, guys and girl," Jordan said to the hellions.

"Thank you," Mack responded.

"Liam and JJ are upstairs playing the new Call Of Duty, waiting for you guys to kick their ass," Jordan said.

"Sweet," Austin said as the three of them ran upstairs.

"Jordan?" Frazier asked.

"Wait until the rest get here," Jordan said calmly.

Dad walked in with Mom, along with Drew and us.

"RJ, the others are upstairs having a Call Of Duty marathon," Jordan said.

"Cool. Later parental units," RJ said, running upstairs.

"Jord? What's happening?" Dad asked.

As Jordan was about to say something, Junior and Hope walked through the door.

"Sorry, we're late. I got held up in traffic," Junior said.

"Is that what they're calling it nowadays, traffic?" Frazier questioned.

"Dylan!" Jordan yelled.

Frazier stopped dead cold when Jordan said his name. He knew there was no time for jokes now.

"Jordan, what is it?" Dad asked.

Jordan held up the crushed cigarette. "This." We all looked at Jordan. "Look familiar?"

"That's impossible! We took that whole stupid family out," Dylan exclaimed.

"Yeah, we did but did it dawn on anyone that maybe this wasn't from one of them. We all saw it when those idiots firebombed Ryan's house, but when we went out and found them, we didn't find any packs on them!" Jordan shouted.

"Are you thinking there's another threat?" Dad asked.

"Maybe. I don't know," Jordan answered.

Mom sat down. "Oh, God."

We all looked at Mom. Dad crouched in front of Mom. "What is it, baby?"

"I thought it was a harmless prank. I didn't think the person was serious," Mom said, grabbing Dad's shirt.

"Who, baby? Who did you think was harmless?" Dad asked, looking into Mom's eyes.

Mom shifted her eyes down, then slowly looked up. "One of my fans." It was barely a whisper, but enough for all of us to hear it.

Dad pulled Mom to him, "It's okay. No one will hurt our family."

"Dad? What's going on here?" A voice asked behind our parents. Everyone turned around to see the younger kids standing there. RJ stepped forward. He was the one that asked.

"What's going on, Dad?" RJ asked.

Dad looked at Mom, and she nodded. He turned to RJ. "Someone is threatening your mom and the rest of us."

"And you would not tell us? Why, because we're too young?" RJ shouted.

"RJ, it's not that. We didn't want to scare you guys," Dad said to RJ.

"You not telling us leaves us in the dark, and how can we protect each other if we don't know what we're dealing with now? You can't leave us in the dark! Not anymore!" RJ roared.

That was the first time I've ever seen RJ this way with Dad. RJ took charge, demanding answers when usually he went along with things. He took a step forward, showing his leadership skills as Dad did. Yep, Dad got his mini-me.

"Fine, it's time you all heard everything. The older kids know, now it's your turn," Dad said as he ran his hand through his hair. The younger kids took a seat with RJ in front, and Dad told them everything from the Frazier family to things that happened over the years. He left out a few details, like Elena's rape. It wasn't his place to tell and didn't want the twins upset.

After Dad finished, he said, "That's the whole story."

RJ looked at Dad and rubbed his chin, then stood up. He looked at Junior. "You keep our family safe at college, and I'll keep the family safe back home. Deal?"

Junior looked at RJ, nodding. "Deal."

RJ looked at Dad, "Don't worry, Dad. We're the Jones family. It'll take a lot to stop us."

"That's what I'm counting on, bud," Dad said, hugging RJ.

Yep, you got a glimpse of the future generation coming through Saintwood. God has mercy on all their souls.

To continue in Saintwood: College Days.

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