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"MA, I'M HOME!" I call as I see my parents sitting in the kitchen. "Stephanie please sit," dad says as my eyes widen. Whenever he calls me Stephanie instead of Steph it normally means I'm in trouble. "If it's about that girl, she asked for it," I quickly defend myself as they both give me a look. "No, but we'll get back to that," he says giving me a look. "We've noticed a change in you and also the claw marks in your room, so we've decided it's time to tell you the truth," Mam says as she sits up straight. "We're not your real parents, there was a fire back in Beacon Hills where you were born and it killed most of your family," she explains and my head starts to spin. "There's more isn't there?" I question and they nod. "The reason you're changing is because you are a werewolf, we it's a lot too take in but you need to go to Beacon Hills, find Derek and Peter Hale, they can help you learn control," dad says as I simply nod and slowly get up. "I'll go pack then," I say a bit dazed and they smile. "Oh and Steph," dad calls causing me too turn around. "About that girl?"

I tuck my hair behind my ear as I look at the school in front of me and take a deep breath. My 'parents' told me to go to Beacon High to find some guy named Scott McCall, apparently he can help me find Derek. I sigh and enter the school instantly getting lost. People knock off me with their bags and just push past me too get to wherever they need to get too. I feel my chest tighten as my vision starts to blur. Shit. I feel my legs start to give up as I put my weight on a nearby wall. "Hey are you alright?" I can barely make out a figure but see it's a guy. "Yeah, I just need to calm down a bit," I weez as I try to catch my breath. "Do you go to this school?" he asks putting his hand on my shoulder and I shake my head. "I'm looking for someone," I say as my breathing instantly calms down and my vision goes back to normal. How did he do that?. "Well, I'm Liam, maybe I can help," he smiles and I weakly smile in return. "I'm Steph, and I'm looking for a guy named Scott McCall," I say and he furrows his eyebrows. "He could be at lacrosse practice, I'll take you there," he says helping me up. "Thanks, that'd be great,"

We walk onto a field and I see a load of guys warming up and a psycho coach screaming at all of them. "DUNBAR OUT ON THE FIELD!" he screams making me flinch. "Um.. Those girls on the bleachers hang out with Scott, so if you're looking for him maybe they could help," Liam says pointing at a dark haired girl and a girl who had a familiar sent. "Okay, thanks a lot Li-" I get cut off by a whistle. "DUNBAR OUT ON THE FIELD, YOU CAN CHAT UP GIRLS LATER!" coach yells and I see Liam's cheeks heat up. I chuckle and walk up to the girls. "Um.. Sorry but would you know where Scott McCall is?" I ask and their heads shoot up. "I'm guessing you don't go here, your accent is awesome," the girl with the sent says. "Thanks, I'm Steph," I say holding out my hand which they both shake. "Kira, and this is Malia," the dark haired girl smiles. "Why do you need Scott?" Malia questions as I sit down. "I need him to help me find Derek Hale,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now