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"Alright, I only came here to ask a quick question before I have to go," I say as my heels click against Derek's loft. "What is it Stephanie?" Peter asks keeping his back to me. "I'd rather talk to your face not the back of ya head," I snap as he slowly turns around giving me a smirk. "You're just like your mother, a sassy little..." I cut him off by asking him what I need to know. "Why? Why did I have to leave Beacon Hills with the Johnson's? Why couldn't Derek take me in when me mam died?" I question as he inhales a deep breath looking me dead in the eye as he starts to walk towards me. "How did one question turn into two," he retorts as I glare at him. "Just answer them, I need to know," I plead as he looks at the floor. "He was still having problems controlling the wolf on full moons, he had just lost Jean after you were born and he didn't want to hurt you, if he lost control that would've been the end of your life," he explains as I look at him. "He did it to protect me," I say as he nods. "If you want more answers then just wait, wait until you're both ready, wait until you feel comfortable with calling him your dad, wait until you both get that father daughter bond," he says and I nod pulling on my jacket. "I better go to the guys game, they think another assassin is going to be there," I say as I walk out.

I run over to Mason and Liam who are talking. "Sorry I'm late," I say as I meet them. "He wants to destroy me," Liam exclaims as I give them a look. "What?" I say as they finally notice me. "Mason thinks Brett is hot," Liam retorts as I look at Brett pulling his shirt down. "Not you too," Liam complains. "Well..." I trail off noticing Liam staring at me. "He's hot...but his ego is most likely bigger than his dick," I finish earning a fit of laughter from Mason and a smile from Liam. "At least someone is supportive," he digs at Mason who rolls his eyes. "Get on the field Dunbar," Mason says as he pulls me to the bleachers. We sit down and Mason turns to me all excited. "So, you and Liam?" he questions as I give him a weird look. "What?"


I'm getting ready to go on field when a conversation between Steph and Mason grabs my attention.
-"So, you and Liam?"
-"Steph, you're all he talks about,"
-"Mas, we only met a few days ago,"
-"So what? I can tell you like him too, the way you stood up to Brett was fricking awesome,"
-"I... I don't know Mason, maybe,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now