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"Go save Scott," dad coughs as I kneel beside him. "No, I lost you once I'm not gonna loose you again," I cry as his breathing shortens. "Just go, you need to save them," he says and I feel Stiles place his hand on my shoulder. "I love you," I cry hugging him and he weakly hugs me back. "I love you too," he chokes out and Liam pulls me up dragging me into La Iglesia. We're all running through the church when Stiles' phone rings. I look to see it's his dad, that's not good. "Stephanie," I turn to see my mother standing at an archway looking the way she did when we were fighting. "Thought you could get rid of me that easily," she smirks and I let out a growl. "Go save Scott and Kira, I'll deal with her," I say as Peter is the first to run off. Coward. Malia gives me a sad look before running off. I make eye contact with Liam and he pulls me in. "Come back," he says as he pulls away. "I will," I say before rushing off too fight this bitch.

I turn a corner and get smashed into a wall. "You thought you could get rid of my power," she spits as she grabs my throat. "YOU'D RATHER BE A MONSTROUS MUTT!" she yells as I let out my claws slashing her stomach. She cries out and drops me as I gasp for air. "I got rid of the monster when I killed the phoenix," I gasp and she goes for me again but I jump to the side resulting in her crashing into the wall. I use my telekinesis to lift her up and throw into the other wall sending her into a different area of the church. She then causes a explosion sending bits of rock everywhere. I growl glowing my eyes at her and baring my teeth. "You're not gonna kill me, you wouldn't be able to bare the fact that you killed your own mother," she taunts as I turn fully into my wolf. "You are no mother of mine," I say in her mind as her face drops. I growl and attack her biting at her ankles. She kicks me in the ribs making me whimper. I pounce and bite at her shoulder but she then takes out a dagger stabbing it straight through me. I howl in pain but find enough strength too bite her neck cutting off her breath. I fall on a sharp rock and lay there whimpering. No, I can't just lay here and hope for someone too find me.


"You were never an alpha, you were a monster," Scott says as he finally knocks out Peter. We all sigh and suddenly I hear a whimper come from outside the room we're in. I go out and see a grey wolf collapse on the floor. "Guys, there's a wolf out here," I say as they rush out. "Steph," Liam chokes kneeling down to the wolf. "W-what?" I stutter not knowing what he's talking about. "When she defeated the phoenix, she got the power to shape shift into a wolf," Scott says as he looks at Steph with tears in his eyes. "No, we're gonna take her to Deaton and he's gonna save her," I choke picking her up. "Stiles, the stab wound is coated with wolfsbane," Liam chokes out and I shake my head. "We're gonna save her,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now