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"THAT WAS LUCK!" Malia calls standing up. Liam was just after dodging straight past Stiles and Scott. "DO OVER!" she calls again causing the coach to chuckle. "Sweetheart there's no do overs. This is practice," he says. "Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles," she offers and the coach nods. "I'll take that action," he says pointing at her as she smirks. "LIAM GET BACK IN THERE!" he yells as Stiles and Scott's faces drop. They set up and I can smell the tension. Liam sets off towards them and easily dodges Stiles but Scott came and flipped him over resulting in Liam landing with a thud. Coach opens his mouth as his whistle falls out. The guys help him up so I turn to the girls. "Since Scott's a little busy, could you maybe give me an address too Derek Hale?" I question and Malia nods taking a piece of paper and writing down an address. "If it doesn't go as planned I put my address there too, so you can stay with me," she smiles and I smile back. "Thanks,"

I walk up to a building that looks like an old factory or something. I shrug and make my way inside. I hope this goes well or else I have no where to go, although Malia offered for me to stay at hers, which is surprising because I just met her. I come to a door that looks like it slides open so that's what I do. I walk in to see nobody is around. "Hello," I call as I walk toward the middle of the loft. "Who are you?" I jump and turn too see a middle aged man walking down a spiraly staircase. "Um.. I'm looking for Derek or Peter Hale?" I say as he narrows his eyes at me. "Who sent you?" he asks stepping closer to me. "M-my parents, well my adoptive parents, they told me to find a Derek or Peter and tell them who I am and they'll be able to tell me about my real family," I explain and he gives me a look. "Then, who are you?" he steps dangerously close to me. "Stephanie," the man snaps his attention to a guy standing at the doorway. "What?" the man says looking at me when a wave of realisation makes its way to his face. "Steph?" I give him a creeped out look. "Should I know you two?" I question as the guy from the doorway steps in. "I'm Derek, your father,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now