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Guess who's been put on babysitting duty? Steph. I can't take care of meself let a lone a freshly bit werewolf. I sit quietly as Liam works out with Mason. Mason is having dmc with Liam so I decide to keep out of it. "Steph, didn't you tell him who he's playing tonight?" Mason questions as I snap my attention to him. "I was supposed to tell him?" I ask as Mason gives me a 'really' look. "What? Who is it?" Liam desperately asks as I glance at Mason. "He's all yours," I say grabbing my bag and wait outside. I jump when Liam rushes outside but I run and stand in front of him. "What ya doing?" I question as he steps around me. "Nothing," he says as I quickly follow him. "This isn't a good idea," I say trying to reason with him but he keeps on walking. The bus pulls up and Liam suddenly stops causing me to crash into him and nearly fall but Mason catches me. "Trust fall successful," I sarcastically say as Mason laughs. "I just wanted to say good luck," I hear Liam as he puts his hand out to a very attractive guy. "It that what they told you to say at anger management?" the guy scoffs. What an ass. "You wreaked coaches car," he snaps standing up to Liam. "I paid for it," Liam defends. "Yeah you're gonna pay for it out on the field," the guy says as I hear Liam's pulse rise. That's it. "Who do you think you are?" I say coming from behind Liam. "Your future boyfriend," he smirks looking me up and down. "Oh please, I won't touch of you with a ten foot steal pole, prep boy," I sass as Liam takes my hand. "He's not worth it," he says as the brat looks between us and smirks. "So you'd go for an I.E.D but not a guy like me," he smirks stepping forward but I stand my ground as Stiles and Scott take Liam away. "I'd go for an I.E.D over a fuck boy any day," I smirk as his face drops. "See ya around,"

I rush into the boys locker room as I hear Liam's growls. "You calm yet?" Stiles questions as Liam roars in response and the boys hold him back under the showers. "Liam, focus, you can do this," I say kneeling in front of him. He calms down and the shower turns off. We all sigh in relief as I stand up not being able to feel my legs. They start talking about the lacrosse game but I can't focus cause my breathing is starting to hyperventilate. "I gotta go," I say as I rush out of the locker room. "STEPH!" Stiles calls as he runs after me. He catches up and pulls me back and looks me in the eyes. "Breath okay, you need to calm down," he says as I grasp his hands. "I.. I can't," I cry as he shakes his head. "Yes you can okay, concentrate on me, you're strong Steph, you got through these before you can do it again," he says and I look at him as my breathing starts to go back to normal. He sighs and pulls me into his chest. "Why didn't you tell me about them?" he asks as I softly cry into his chest. "I didn't want to worry you," I mumble as he looks down at me. "Stephanie Paige Stilinksi Hale, you may not be my baby sister by birth but you are my baby sister okay, if there is anything bothering you you need to tell me so I can protect you like a big brother should," he says and I pull him into a hug. "I love you Stiles," I say as he hugs me and rest his head on mine. "I love you too baby Stilinski,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now