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"STEPH! WAKE UP!" Stiles yells as I scream falling out of the bed. "Come on, we're going to Scott's," he says as I reluctantly follow him to his jeep.

We walk into Scott's house and Stiles and Scott start talking about what happened so I zone out until Scott mentions Liam. "You didn't even tell me about Liam," Stiles says frustrated. "Where is he?" I question as Scott looks at Stiles. "Upstairs," he says. "Doing what?" Stiles asks suspicious. "Laying down.." Scott trailed off as Stiles and I made our way upstairs, Stiles leading the way. We make our way to Scott's bathroom and Stiles opens back the shower curtain to reveal Liam, tied, in duck tape. I go to help him but Stiles grabs my wrist, pulls the curtain back and drags me back into Scott's room. "So you bit him," Stiles retorts. I give them a weird look. "Ever heard of the expression 'I don't bite' when you meet someone?" I sarcastically say. Scott looks up at me and shrugs. "You kidnapped him," Stiles continues. "Yeah," was all Scott managed to say. "And you brought him here," Stiles finishes. "I panicked," Scott says defending himself. I dramatically roll my eyes and go back to Liam. I pull over the curtain and his eyes widen but he relaxes when he sees its me. "STEPH GET BACK IN HERE!" Stiles yells as he and Scott walk in and grab Liam. "Be careful with him," I scolded at them. "Shut up and get a chair," Stiles retorts I huff and grab a chair. They put Liam on the chair and Stiles looks at him. "Now, I'm gonna take the tape off, if you stay quite it stays off, if you scream it goes straight back on," Stiles says as he rips the tape off Liam's mouth and he winces. "Stiles," I snap as he gives me a shut up look. I huff and sit down blocking out their conversation. That is until I hear sobbing. I look up to see Liam crying. "Ugh... Is he crying?" Stiles asks as I hit him upside the head. "No his eyes are sweating," I sarcastically say. "Help me untie him," Scott says as they both untie him. Liam stands up and turns so he's facing me considering I'm sitting on the bed. "Duck," he mouths to me and I give him a confused look but soon realise what he's doing when he swings the chair around hitting Scott. Stiles goes to say something but Liam punches him square in the jaw. Liam runs out as Scott and Stiles get up. "GET HIM!" they yell running out after him. I get up and follow them as I see the them pounce on Liam. "Guys the..." I don't even get to finish my sentence as the three of them tumble down the stairs. "stairs," I finish with an eye roll. I walk down the stairs seeing Liam run out the door and the two idiots grabbing each other's feet saying they got him. "YOU TWO ARE DOPES!"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now