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I make my way to the buses since I got a text from Stiles to meet the pack there. Once I get there all eyes turn to me. "Well, how'd it go?" Malia questions as I look at them. "She was known as the Phoenix, she possessed telepathic powers enabling her to read minds, project her thoughts into the minds of others, initiate astral travel, and mentally stun opponents with pure force, among other talents. She also possessed telekinesis, allowing her to levitate and manipulate objects and others, generate force fields, fly, and stimulate heat molecules to generate concussive blasts. She was able to manipulate matter and energy on a molecular scale, although this varied on the Force's status and how much power it chose to allocate to her," I explain and Scott looks at me shocked. "So, you're a phoenix?" he questions as Stiles buts in. "Werephoenix, did you forget Derek's roll to play," he states as Lydia scolds at him. "That makes her really powerful, we need to look out for her," she says placing her hand on my forearm. "Welcome to the pack Steph," Scott smiles and I give him a thankful nod. "Thanks," I say and Malia claps her hands together. "Right, enough of all this nice stuff, back to our plan," she says and I have a confused look on my face. "Kira, be a vixen,"

I watch as Kira tries to walk down the stairs like she was in some movie. I also noticed Liam looking at her as she falls down the stairs. I go to help her but Stiles grabs my hand pulling me back. "She's fine baby Hale," he smirks as I chuckle sarcastically giving him a glare. Kira makes her way over to us and I give her a sympathetic look. "He agreed,"

We're in Lydia's grandmum's lake house waiting for Liam and Kira to arrive. Soon we see a car pull up and they step out. This should be fun. "Woah, Steph mind the fire," Stiles says as I look down at my hands and see two fire blazes. "Shit," I exclaim running into the kitchen and grabbing the fire extinguisher. I put out the fire and sigh, I really need to focus. I walk back into the living room and everyone looks at me. "Werephoenix," Liam says pointing at me. "Um yeah," I say unsure and he turns to Stiles. "What are you?" he asks too rudely for my liking. "For a while I was possessed by an evil spirit, it was very evil," Stiles says. "What are you now?" Liam questions. "Better.." Stiles answers unsure. Scott starts talking to Liam but I can't focus because my ears starts ringing. "Steph?" Stiles questions as I hold my ears. "Can you not hear that?" Liam says in agony. "You told people?" Lydia exclaims. "Only Mason, you said it was a party," Liam defends. "Who did Mason tell?" I call over the sound of burning flames. "Everyone," Kira says unsure. "Get Steph and Liam to the dock," Lydia exclaims as I get pulled away by Scott and Kira. Maybe I can't control the phoenix.

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now