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I rush up to the roof with Stiles behind me and stop dead in my tracks. "What?" Stiles asks as he steps in front of me. "S-Steph," he chokes out as I place my hand on his shoulder but he runs over to the scorched girl. "What happened?" he demands as Liam as tears running down his face. "I think the Phoenix is trying to take over her body," Kira says as Stiles takes Steph from Liam. "I was supposed to protect her, I told her to come up here and help them, it's all my fault," Stiles chokes and I find myself kneeling down to him. "We're gonna save her, we'll take her Deaton, I'm not gonna let her leave us, not like this," I say as he nods holding her. I hope Deaton knows what to do.


I rush into the animal clinic with Steph in my arms and Stiles right behind me and Deaton looks up from his papers and sighs. "Put her on the table," he orders and I nod carefully lay her down. "What happened?" he questions as he places what he needs on a separate table. "She came to help me and Kira fight a beserker, her whole body set on flames making the shape of a phoenix, then Kira noticed that her eyes were turning a flaming orange colour,the beserker went to attack her but it's bones started melting, " I explained as a frown appeared on his face. "What?" I question getting worried. "Was there any sign of the werewolf side to her?" he questions as he examines her burns and I nod. "Her claws and her fangs," I say and he sighs placing an odd plant in her mouth which gets rid of all her wounds. "It appears that the wolf and the phoenix are fighting for dominance, and it looks like the phoenix is winning," he explains and I give him an odd look. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I say and he gives me a serious look. "Stephanie is unlike any other hybrid, she's a lot more powerful than she thinks, if she can't learn to control the phoenix and the wolf than they're gonna end up destroying her," he says and I swallow the lump in my throat. "As in, they'll kill her," I say but I already know the answer. "I'm afraid so,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now