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"You do realise you're gonna have to tell Stephanie the truth about her mother sometime, " Peter says as I look up at him. "Like you're gonna have to tell Malia," I retort as he rolls his eyes. "Hello?" I look up to see Steph walk into the loft. "Shouldn't you be at school?" I say standing up. "Free period, give us time to chat," she smiles sitting across from me. How do I tell her?


"Steph, there's something you need to know about your mother," Derek says and I nod sitting forward a bit. "Well, how about we start with what you are first," he says again and I nod. "You're a werewolf but you're also a mutant," he says and I give him a confused look. "My mam was a mutant, you said she died at childbirth because she was human," I say as he looks at the floor. "I didn't know how to tell you," he confesses and I calm down a bit. "What was she like?" I ask and he looks up at me. "Why don't you see for yourself," he says as he places my hands over his temples. I gasp as fiery spirals dance around my hands and suddenly I feel all my energy rush to my hands.

I stand in the middle of a hallway looking around. I notice teens running around but none of them seem familiar. I gasp as they run straight through me. "Hey Derek," a girl with fiery red hair smirks at a young looking Derek. "Hey Jean," he replied and followed her.

I'm taken to a different memory and see Jean. She has the same fiery spirals around her body and her eyes are a fiery orange. "JEAN YOU HAVE TO CONTROL IT! DO IT FOR THE BABY!" young Derek yells running over to her. Is the baby me?. "I CAN'T DEREK!" she yells over the sound of the cracking fire. "Yes you can, focus on your anchor," he calmly says as the fire dies down and she goes back to normal. "I did it,"

I gasp as I'm brought back to reality. "They called her the Phoenix," he says catching his breath. "She controlled fire?" I question as he shakes his head. "She could do a lot more, Jean possessed telepathic powers enabling her to read minds, project her thoughts into the minds of others, initiate astral travel, and mentally stun opponents with pure psionic force, among other talents. She also possessed telekinesis, allowing her to levitate and manipulate objects and others, generate force fields, fly, and stimulate heat molecules to generate concussive blasts.She was able to manipulate matter and energy on a molecular scale, although this varied on the Force's status and how much power it chose to allocate to her," he explains as I try to take this all in. "Does she have all those too?" I snap my attention to Peter who walks down the stairs. "You do, but you'll learn control, all you need to do is find an anchor,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now