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"Why has she stopped healing?" I question as I notice Steph has stopped healing. "The phoenix and the wolf must be at war again, you see the wolf can heal whereas the phoenix can't," Deaton explains. "So basically the phoenix is trying to kill her," I say as he shakes his head. "The phoenix is trying to take over the wolf, but if the phoenix does over power the wolf she will die," he explains and I give him a look. "How do we help the wolf?" Stiles questions as I glance at him. He wipes the tears away from his eyes and I place my hand on his arm. "Steph needs to choose whether she wants the power of the phoenix or if she wants to be a werewolf," Deaton explains and Stiles gives him a look. "How can she do that when she is practically dying?" he snaps and I sigh. "She can't be dying, I would feel it," I say and Deaton nods. "Where's Scott?" Deaton questions as Stiles shrugs. "He said he was gonna watch out for Malia and Liam at the bonfire thing at school," he says as he walks over to Steph. "How does she get rid of the phoenix?" I ask as Deaton sighs. "Jean needs to take back the power," he explains. "But, it won't take away all her abilities, she'll still be able to manipulate objects, control people with her mind, her telepathy and telekinesis will still be as strong as ever,"


"How much has he drunk?" I ask Mason as Liam stumbles about. "Not enough to make him like this," he says and I notice Malia is the same. I look around starting to feel weird. I notice it's the music. Suddenly a security guard grabs the three of us. Mason starts to argue with the guard but fails. We get thrown to the floor near lockers and soon gasoline is poured over us. Assassins. He lights his lighter but a pair of claws and fangs stop him. I look up to see Derek, Braeden and... Steph. "Steph?" Liam chokes out stumbling to get up. She rushes over to support him and he just engulfs her in a hug and kisses her. I turn to Derek who smiles at his daughter. "Why didn't you use the gun?" I question as he helps me up. "You're covered in gasoline,"


I decided to help Liam home since he's still a bit weak. "How? How did you heal?" he questions as I sit him on his bed. "Charles Xavier came and went into my mind and helped my healing," I answer as he grins pulling me next to him. "I'm glad he did," he says and I smile looking at him. "Deaton told me about the phoenix and the wolf trying to over power each other," I told him and he nods. "What you gonna do?" he questions, I look him straight I'm the eye. "I'm gonna save the wolf,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now