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"She's not here," I say turning to face the woman I believed to be dead. "Well then I'll be leaving, I'm guessing you're not gonna help me find my daughter," Jean says about to walk away. "She's staying with the Stilinski's," I say and she stops walking and turns to me. "I thought they would've sent to Argent," she says and I shrug standing up. "She's happy with Stiles and the Sheriff," I say and she looks at me uncertain. "But is she safe?" she says and I walk towards her. "She's apart of a true alpha's pack, I don't think she can get any safer," I say in a mono tone. "I'm gonna go see my daughter," Jean says and I shrug in chuckling. "What of she doesn't want to see you?" I question as she walks away. "Oh she will,"


"I don't understand," Liam groans face planting on my bed. "It's simple math," I say laying next to him with the book. "How is solve 2x-x+10=0 simple math," he says but his voice is muffled as he's talking into the covers. "Shut up and solve it," I say as he groans propping himself up on his elbows. "Now just draw to sets of brackets," I say as he draws them. "Now in one write a 2x -.." he cuts me off by closing the book. "When am I gonna use this in my life?" he says and I chuckle. "When you're fighting a supernatural creature who's Crap at math?" I question sarcastically as he mock laughs at me. "Very funny smartass," he says and I smile innocently and push him of the bed. "Now that I found funny," I say through laughs. He sits up playfully glaring at me before jumping on top of me. "Not so tuff now," he says and I smirk. I lean up and kiss him and he quickly responded. I take it as my chance to use all my strength and push him off the bed again. "Now that's cheating," he pouts as I laugh uncontrollably. He gets back on top of me and smashes his lips on mine. I mess with his hair and smile but soon an unfamiliar sent fills my nose. "Wait," I say pulling away. "What?" he questions as I try to hear anything out of the ordinary. It can't be the Sheriff he's at work, Stiles has exams today as do Scott, Kira and Malia. "Can you get that sent?" I ask looking up at him. I notice his face change and he nods. We quickly get up from my bed and slowly walk into the hall. The doorbell rings and I look at Liam who nods. I run downstairs and open the door to reveal a woman in her early thirties and red hair. "The Sheriff isn't home," I smile as she chuckles. "I'm looking for Stephanie Hale," she says and soon Liam steps in. "Why? What do you want with her?" he asks but she looks straight at me. "I'm your mother,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now