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I wake up too see Dad and Braeden asleep beside me. Where am I? Where are the others?. "They're back in Beacon Hills," Dad says looking up at me. "What? Where am I?" I question as he sits up. "After you were stabbed with wolfsbane me and Braeden took you with us so we could help you heal," he explains and I give him a look which he knew I'd give him. "I have to go back," I state and he nods his head knowingly. "We'll take you too the airport,"


The pack hasn't been the same without Steph. Stiles just walks around not talking to anyone, Lydia feels like she lost her sister, Malia lost another family member and Liam, Liam lost his anchor. When we didn't hear from Derek or Braeden we all just tried to face the reality that she didn't make it. Right we're sitting in history when the door opening interrupts Mr. Yukimura. "Sorry, I got the wrong class," my head shoots up when I hear her accent. "Steph?" both Stiles and I say at the same time. She smiles and waves, we get up quickly and drag her outside the classroom ignoring Mr. Yukimura's calls. We both engulf her in a huge hug which she returns. "Stiles, Steph," we turn to see the Sheriff. "Come with me, there's something I should've done a long time ago," he says as Steph and Stiles follow him. I guess it's up to me to tell the others. "SCOTT MCCALL GET BACK IN MY CLASSROOM! WHERE IS STILES?!". Mr. Yukimura exclaims, I don't answer him I just run the hall looking for the others.


"What's going on?" I question as we walk into a building. "You'll see," Sheriff smiles as we enter a room. "Ah Sheriff," a woman says taking out some papers. "Now, you understand by signing these papers you become the legal guardian of Stephanie Hale and the adoption will be completed," she says as mine and Stiles eyes widen. "I do," he says as he signs the papers. "Welcome to the family Stephanie Stilinski," Stiles smiles wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "I love you guys,"

I sigh as I walk up to his house and knock on his door. "Ah, Steph, come in," his mother smiles and I smile at her walking in. "He's in his room, hopefully you could make him come out," she smiles sadly at me. I rush up the stairs and knock on his bedroom door. "Mom I said I'm fine," he groans and I smile stepping in his room. "You don't sound fine," I say as Liam's head shoots towards me and I smile rushing over and kissing him. "I thought you were dead," he says and I smile at him. "I'm here Liam, you can't get rid of me that easily," I smirk as he smiles pulling me close. "I have my anchor again," he smiles and I smile kissing him lightly. "I never left,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now