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"I have to help find him," I say as I quickly get up from my spot. I stumble a bit feeling light headed. "Steph, you need to rest, I just took a lot of your energy," Charles explains but I shake my head. "I have to help," I say rushing out ignoring the pain in my head. I decided I should text Scott and Stiles letting them know where I was.

'Looking in the woods for Liam - Steph'

'Be careful Garret is still out there - Scott'


I roll my eyes at Stiles and put my phone in my pocket. I decided to try to get a sent but ended up looking like a dope sniffing the air. "Thought I'd find you out here," I turn my attention to Garret who's smirking at me. "You know how much you're worth?" he says walking towards me but I stand my ground showing my fangs and claws. "We'll have none of that," he smirks sticking something in my neck. Kanima venom. "Now, you are coming with me to get Scott so you two can do me a little favour,"

Garret has me tied to a tree and drugged with Kanima venom as we wait for Scott. I feel the venom start to wear off but act like it's still effective. Once he's not paying attention I melt the chains and pull with all my strength and gasp when I'm free. Yes. I try to get away but feel another injection in my neck. "Not so fast feathers," he smirks just as Scott shows up. "Steph," he says but Garret stops him. "Our deal," he says and I furrow my eyebrows. What deal? "Help me get Violet and you get Steph and Liam," Garret says. Oh that deal.

To say this wasn't going well would be an understatement. Scott just ripped the tyres to find Violet was gone. "Scott, they're still here," I heard as I look up to see a berserker. Ah shit. I set my hands on fire and wolf out too. I try to slash at it but it hits me and I slam my head off the road. Son of a... I get cut off by the sight of a dead Garret. Oh god. Sure he was an assassin but God. I notice a piece of paper in his pocket, it must be a copy of the list. I look through it and my hearts skips a beat when I read over her name. Jean Grey.


I'm sat on my bed staring at the list when Stiles enters my room. "Scott found Liam, hey what's that?" he says walking over and taking the list. His eyes widen and he gives me an apologetic look. "Steph I.." I cut him off by looking at him. "Did you know?" I question and he sighs. "Stiles did you know my mum is still alive," I say again and he nods. "Look Steph I'm sorry," he says but I stop him. "I just need to think," I say and he nods leaving me in my room.

I'm in bed staring up at the ceiling when I hear tapping on my window. I frown and my eyes glow as go to the window to check who it is. I pull the window open ready to attack. "Woah, Steph it's me," Liam whisper yells and I calm down. "God Liam," I say as I help him in my room. "Is Stiles home?" he asks through laughs. "No he's with Malia and Sheriff is on night shift," I shrug and he smiles. "Good," he says as he grabs my waist pulling me closer and smashes his lips on mine. I'm shocked at first but eventually responded and wrap my arms around his neck. I mess with his hair as he smiles and slowly pulls away. "What was that?" I question through chuckles. "When I was down in the well, all I could think about was how I was too coward to kiss you and tell you how much I love you and that I might've never got the chance to tell you," he says in one breath and I look at him shocked. "I love you too,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now