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"I think Steph should be chained near the lake," Kira says as her and Scott battle to chain Liam. I had to stand no where near something flammable. "STEPH FOCUS!" Scott yells in distress. I let out a loud howl causing them to turn to me. "Her eyes," Kira gasps as Scott rushes over to me. He pulls me to a pier near the lake and chains my hands and ankles. "Steph, look at me, find an anchor think of it," he says out of breath. I try to think of anything but I can't, all I can see in my mind is flames and a figure inside the flames. "KIRA, HER EYES THEY'RE CHANGING!" Scott yells. What am I.


I run down to Scott to see Steph trying to break her chains. Her once fiery orange eyes have turned black,covering her whole eye. "It's probably just the full moon, we'll take her to my mom or Deaton tomorrow," I say as I pull Scott back up to Liam.


I let out a yelp as the chains burn into my skin. I try to go too the water to stop the flames but the chains hold me back. I spot Scott and Kira on the edge of the dock. "YOU TWO ARE IDIOTS I CAN'T EVEN GET TO THE WATER!" I call up to them but they carry on dancing to the slow song playing on Scott's phone. Assholes. I hear a loud growl and all of a sudden Liam is jumping out of the window. "LIAM HELP ME OUT!" I call to him but he just runs off into the woods. Jackass. Soon Scott is running after him. "KIRA GET ME OUT I CAN HELP!" I yell to her but she runs back to the lake house. GOD WHAT IS WITH THESE PEOPLE!. That's it. I use all my strength to pull the chains and add some fire to burn them. I break free and jump around happily but end up falling in the lake. "Glad no one saw that,"

I run into the woods looking for the boys. Don't ask how I'm not wolfing out cause I don't even know. "SC-" I get cut off by a force slamming me into a tree. "LIAM? What the hell," I say but regret it when he snarls at me. "Well, looks like we have a lot to talk about but pinning me against a tree isn't a great start," I sarcastically say as I try to push him off. I gasp when I'm brought to a memory.

'"DUNBAR YOU'RE BENCHED FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON!" a random coach yells. I see Liam running towards the coach. "Coach please, give me another chance," he pleads. "You think I'm giving you any more chances, you just got three reds, bench now Dunbar,"

Now I see a very angry Liam wreaking some car. That must be what the others were talking about. Why Liam got kicked out of his old school.

I gasp when Liam is torn off me by Scott. I fall from the loss of my energy. How did I do that. Soon a hand pulls me up. "Steph, get up," I look up to see a man who seems familiar. "Who are you?" I question as Scott runs over. "Chris Argent, I knew your mother, I'm also your godfather," he says and my eyes widen. God, everyone seems to be popping up.

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now