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I walk into the animal clinic with Stiles since Lydia told me to talk to Deaton about the phoenix. We walk in and I see Deaton talking to another man. "Ah, Steph this is Professor Charles Xavier, he can tell you about Jean," Deaton explains as Professor Xavier comes towards me. "It is a pleasure to meet you Stephanie, I can already tell you are very powerful, I have met many kids in my school for the gifted but your powers are extraordinary," he says as Stiles gives him a look. "School for the gifted? What like the supernatural or something cause some of them aren't really gifted more like psychotic," Stiles retorts as Charles chuckles. "No, not the supernatural, mutants," he says and my eyes widen. "Mutants?" I question as he nods. "Isn't mutant just a fancy word for supernatural?" Stiles says and I nudge him. "No it's not Stiles and I'd keep your thoughts clear I don't exactly want to know what you are doing with Malia later," Charles smirks as Stiles gives him a look. "How did he do that?" Stiles says amazed but Charles just ignores him and looks at. "Stephanie, there is so much more to you than you know," he says and I look at Stiles. "How did you know my mother?" I question and he sits in front of me. "How about I show you," he says and I look to Deaton who nods. Charles places his figure on his temple and I gasp ready to fall but Stiles catches me.


"What's he doing to her?" I snap as I hold an unconscious Steph. "He's getting in her mind, Charles is a mutant, he has one of the greatest minds in the world, he can show her what she can do," Deaton explains and I look at him. "By almost killing her, ya great mind," I sarcastically say as my phone buzzes.

'Liam's gone missing, where are you? - Scott'

'I'm at the clinic with Steph - Stiles'


'Nothing, I'll explain when I get there - Stiles'

'Okay, hurry - Scott'

"Liam's gone missing, will you take Steph," I say as Deaton nods and takes Steph. God I hope this works out for her.


'I'm walking down a hallway when the house starts shaking. I walk into a room to see Jean. I gasp as her walls in her room are starting to melt. I can feel her power. She's just like me.'

'Now I'm in a wrecked town. I see a guys foot is stuck in the ground, a guy with lasers coming out of his eyes and a creature in the middle it all. I also see a woman, but her body is blue. I gasp when I see my mom her body giving out fire in the shape of a Phoenix.'

'I'm in a place like the last memory but this time it's at night. Mom is standing on a pile of rubbish but she looks different. Her face is pale and her eyes are black. I also see a man with steel claws trying to get to her. "MOM!" I try to call out but it's no use. "She can't here you," Charles says standing next to me. "What's happening to her?" I question as the man gets closer. "Her powers overtook her body, she got manipulated by a man named Magnito, now Logan, that man there, is going to save her," Charles explains. "By killing her?" I ask him and nods. I watch as the man sticks his claws through her stomach and I scream an none human scream."

I scream when I wake up and see Stiles is gone. "Where's Stiles?" I question as Deaton gives me a cautious look. "Liam's gone missing Steph,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now