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"Stephanie, please it's me," the woman pleads and I look at the floor. "I thought you were dead," I say as I quickly look up at her. "I came back, my powers made a protective layer around my body," she explains as my head starts to spin. "LIAM!" I call in pain as my head starts to pound. "Steph, what's happening?" I hear him yell as he catches me before I fall. "I think I'm having a vision," I cry out as my head gets worse.

'My sight is taken to a jar full of mushrooms, now I see Scott, Kira and Malia practically dying in the Hale volt,'

I gasp as the pain goes, the mushrooms, they need to get to the mushrooms. "We have to go," I say looking back at Liam. "Scott, Kira and Malia are in trouble and I know how to save them," I say as mom gives me a look. "I don't think you should be going anywhere near danger," she says as I give her a look. "They're my friends, who have been there for me in only a few weeks a lot than you have in fifteen years," I say getting up and grabbing Liam's hand. "Steph, I'm sorry," she says, I nod and we rush to the school.

We reach the school and see Lydia. "LYDIA!" I call as Lydia turns around. "Let them in I know them," Sheriff says as we rush over to Lydia. "You need to connect to Stiles with your telepathy and tell him to tell Scott about the mushrooms," she says and I look at her as if she's crazy. "I don't know how to do that," I rant as Liam grabs my hands. "You can do this, just focus," he says and I nod. I sigh and place my two fingers on my temples and search for Stiles. My mind goes through the school halls when I finally reach his mind.


'Steph, is that you?'

'Stiles listen, you need tell Scott that the mushrooms are in the volt, they can help him Kira and Malia,'

'Magic mushrooms? Really Steph are you sure this phoenix isn't just hungry'


I gasp when I hear a gun shot that cuts me off from Stiles' mind. "STILES!" I call as I collapse to the floor. "STEPH, WHAT HAPPENED!?" Liam yells kneeling down to me as tears roll down my face. "A gun shot cut me off from his mind, it's all my fault, if I wouldn't have connected to his mind he would've been able to run," I cry into his chest as he holds me. "Steph, it's Stiles, he's stronger than all of us," he says and I nod. But I know that it would take more than just the sound of the gun shot to break the connection.

"STEPH!" I look up to see Malia walking towards me. "Malia?" I question as she walks over to me. "Did you know that my father is a Hale?" she says with no emotion as my eyes widen. "No, I thought you knew my mother was alive," I say as she gives me a look. "No, why didn't they tell us?" she says walking away not giving me time to answer her question. Um okay. I rush into the school and let out a breath of relief. "STILES!" I cry running up  in his arms not caring about the blood on his shirt. "I thought you got shot," I cry on his shoulder as he chuckles holding me close. "I'd never leave you baby Stilinski," he whispers into my hair as I tighten my grip around his waist.
"We're okay too Steph," Scott sarcastically says as I chuckle pulling him and Kira in a hug. I love these guys.

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now