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"I better head back to Stiles', he'll worry," I lie to Liam as I get up, making sure my heart beat was steady. "Can't you stay?" he questions grabbing my hand. "I can't Stiles is being extra protective after the whole phoenix nearly killing me incident," I say as I quickly peck his lips. "I'll see you later," I smile as I rush out. I'm actually heading to the animal clinic to get rid of this phoenix. I look back to see Liam looking out the window. I sigh and make my way to my way to Charles car. "Ready?" he questions as I buckle up. "Let's so this,"

We arrive and I hop out of the car and take a deep breath. "Professor is this safe?" I ask Charles and he looks at me. "If I'm able to get in her mind and help then you're fine," he says and I look at him. "If?" I question and he sighs placing his hand on my shoulder and leading me into the clinic where I see two metal tables. "Steph," Mom says with no emotion. "Jean," I reply as I lay on the table. She lays on the other table as Charles stands in the middle. "You ready?" Deaton questions and I nod my head. "Okay, I need you both to relax," Charles says as he looks at my mom. "Start," he says and suddenly I feel her inside my mind.

'I walk into a clearing of the woods. I stand next to a grey wolf who looks up at me and nods. I look in front of us and see mom with the phoenix. Her eyes are black and she looks very frail. The wolf howls letting me know it's time for battle. I let out my claws noticing the flames are gone. I growl at them and mom levitates off the ground. Oh that's cheating. The wolf howls sending sound waves and knocking her to the ground giving me a chance to claw at her legs. She cries out and the phoenix attacks me. I growl and stuck my claws through the phoenix sending it into a tree. Mom weakly gets up and the wolf stands by my side. "You're not gonna end this, you're weak, pathetic, just like your father," she says her voice somewhat sinister. "Actually I'm brave, strong and everything my father is, but you, you're just a monster," I say as I let out a growl and slash her throat.'


We have Staomi's in the Argent's place trying to fight off all the assassins. "We need more help," Brett calls just as a grey wolf jumps on the assassins back and bites his neck. Who the hell is that?. I look into its eyes which turn a flaming orange. "Steph?" I whisper as the wolf nods and starts to fight with us. She did it.


I'm biting at an assassins arm when he suddenly drops his gun and stars to walk away. I drop to the floor landing on my paws as Scott and Kira walk over to me. Kira pats my head as the pack comes together. "It's over,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now