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"You're my what?" I retort as I step back. "I'm your father, I've been trying to track you for years, then your adoptive parents called me," he explains as I try to take this all in. "You may have noticed you're not like everyone else, you have troubles on full moons, your anger is uncontrollable and you have probably already inherited the Hale dramatic eye roll at every stupid thing someone says," Peter retorts as I turn my attention to him then back to Derek/Dad. "Where's my mom?" I question as he looks down. "She was human and she died at childbirth," he explains as Peter gives him a look. "Well, this is a lot to take in so I think I'm just gonna go," I say as I stand up. "Where are you staying? Beacon Hills doesn't exactly have awards for words safest town," Peter  questions. "My parents know people who live here, considering they lived here before we moved to England," I say. "Who?" he questions. "The Stilinski's," I answer as they exchange looks. "I'd prefer if you stayed with someone a lot stronger," Dad says looking at me with concern. "Like who?" I question. "Scott McCall, he's a true alpha I'm sure he wouldn't mind," he reassures. "He's at the hospital," I state and he gives me a weird look. "Why?" he questions. "He kinda flipped over a freshman and broke his leg," I explain. "Well if Scott is at the hospital then that's where Stiles is," Peter says grabbing a pair of car keys. "Let's go,"


We pull up outside the hospital and I'm about to get out of the car when Derek grabs my hand. "Can we talk more about the situation? Tomorrow maybe?" he asks and I look at him. "I start school tomorrow but I could call over after," I smile and he nods letting me go. I rush into the hospital hoping I didn't miss Stiles. I see him with some other guy supporting Liam as a woman is giving them an odd look. She brings Liam a wheelchair and brings him somewhere. I take this as my chance too make my way towards my former best friend. "Stiles?" I question and he turns around with wide eyes. "STEPH!" he exclaims engulfing me a huge Stiles hug. I laugh as I hug him back. "Scott this is Steph, she's like a little sister to me, Steph this is Scott, my idiotic best friend," he introduces us and I smile. "Hey," I smile and Scott gives me a shocked look. "I-I can get a sent off you," he says as Stiles facepalms. "Great way to start a friendship Scott, amazing people skills," Stiles sarcastically says as Scott glares at him. "Um.. Yeah, I think I'll go see Liam, considering he helped me out this morning," I awkwardly say as I step past him.

I enter Liam's room just as a male doctor leaves. "Oh, sorry," I say as he smiles. "Your fine, Liam you have a visitor," he says as I walk in. "Oh, hey Steph," he smiles and I sit down. "Hey, I thought I'd come see how you are, considering you helped me out this morning," I say as he smiles. "Thanks," he says looking down. "Steph, time to go," Stiles says walking into the room. "Okay, bye Liam," I say as I run to Stiles. "Bye, Steph,"

We walk into the Stilinski household and I'm emidiatly engulfed into a hug by Sheriff Stilinski. "Hey, Sheriff," I laugh hugging him back. Suddenly there's a knock on the door and Stiles opens it to reveal a stunning girl with shoulder length hair and brown eyes. "Steph, this is my girlfriend Malia, Malia this is Steph, the sister I never had," Stiles says and she sniffs the air giving me a weird look. "Is she..?" Malia trails off and Stiles looks at me. "No, I don't think so," he says and I give them a weird look. "Am I what?" I question. "Nothing, so what made you come back to Beacon Hills?" Stiles questions. "Too find my real parents, I found my dad but he told me my mam died at childbirth," I explain. "Who's your father?" Sheriff asks. "Derek Hale,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now