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I run to the boys as they have a break. "You guys suck," I say as Stiles gives me a look. "Thanks for the support jackass," he says as I smile innocently at him. I gasp as Garret hits off me and a vision comes. "Woah, cover her eyes," Stiles exclaims holding his hand over my now fully black eyes. I see Garret, Brett and Liam on the field. Now I see them clash. Oh God. It's Liam, he's next. "Guys," I say but coach blows his whistle and they run off. "Shit," I say as I go to coach. "You need to stop the game," I say as he looks at me. "Not happening sweetheart, now get on the bleachers," he says and I huff looking at the game. Oh no. The three of them clash and I glare at coach. "Told you so," I snap as I run to Liam. When I get to him he's groaning in pain holding his arm. "It'll heal," Liam protests as Scott holds his arm. I look at Stiles who looks like he's about to faint. Soon I hear a crack and look to see Scott has pushed the bone back. I cringe and help Liam up. "I'll take him home," I say as they nod. "Wait, did he get you?" I question as they all give me a look. "Garret, I had a vision of you, Garret and.... Brett, it was Brett, Garret stabbed Brett," I say as Scott runs to find Brett. "Let's go,"

I pull up outside Liam's house and turn to him. "There you go," I smile as he looks at me. "Why don't you come in?" he asks and I smile. "Um.. Sure," I say getting out of my car. He walks I'm as I follow. "Liam shouldn't you be at the ga... Oh hello Stephanie," his step father greets. "Hiya," I smile giving him a small wave. "There was an incident at the game and it got called off," Liam said as his father nods. "Okay, Stephanie how you getting home?" he questions. "Oh, my car is just outside," I explain as he smiles. "Great, don't leave to late, don't want your parents to get worried," he smiles as I nod following Liam upstairs. "Sorry about him," he says as I chuckle. "He's fine," I laugh as I walk into his room. It's different from all the others. "Do you know much about the list?" I question sitting on his bed. "Oh um.." he stutters causing me to take a deep breath. "If I'm on it you can tell me," I say as he nods and sits beside me. "You are, and so is Derek and Peter," he says and I nod. "How much?" I question looking at the floor. "Eight, is it because you're not just a werewolf?" he asks and I look at him. "I'd say so, or it could be because of my abilities," I shrug. "I overheard you and Mason talking," he blurts out causing my eyes to widen. "Eavesdrop much," I chuckle as he laughs. "I'm serious, what he said was true, I do always talk about you and I do really like you," he admits as his cheeks go a shade of red. I smile at him and sigh. "Good, cause I really like you too,"

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now