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I decided to go have a chat with my father. We haven't spoken much since I've been here so maybe we should start. I sigh and walk into his loft and scream when a bullet comes my way but I dodge it. I look at see Dad with a gun and Braeden teaching him how to aim. "Is this a bad time?" I say glancing behind me at the bullet hole. "No I was just leaving," she smiles and walks over and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Talk to him," she says and I nod smiling. She leaves and I make my way over to him. "Did your mother visit you?" he questions as I nod sitting down. "I'm not here to talk about her," I say as he furrows his eyebrows. "I'm here to talk about you," I shrug and a small smile reaches his face. "What do you wanna know?" he says sitting next to me and I shrug. "Anything,"

So far I've learned that he was born a werewolf. He told me about Paige and how he met my mum. What shocked me the most was about the family fire. He told me that was night he knew he had to give me away. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this," I say as he looks at me. "The hardest part was giving you up, I'm your dad I'm supposed to be there for you and I gave you to total strangers," he says and I sigh wrapping my arms around his waist. "It wasn't your fault and your here now, I couldn't have asked for a better dad," I say and I feel him wrap his arms around my small figure. "So, you and Braeden huh,"


I rush into the hospital realising I'm late for the plan. I run in to see that the power is out. I ran into the room to see Stiles waving me out. "Go to the roof and help Liam and Kira," he says but I rush over to him. "What about you?" I say and hear a click of a gun behind me. "He's got me now go," Argent orders and I nod rushing to the roof.

"LIAM!" I hear Kira call and quickly swing open the door and rush to the roof to see a beserker has Liam caught by the throat. I let out a loud growl flames taking over my body creating a phoenix. "STEPH NO!" Liam calls to me but I ignore him and attack. I try to claw at it but the bones protect it, that's when I decided to go for the parts that aren't protected. As soon as my flamed claws slash at its flesh it turns it's attention to me. Shit.


"LIAM HER EYES, THE PHOENIX IS TAKING OVER!" I call to him as I see Steph's eyes turning a flaming orange. The beserker goes to touch her but it's bones start to melt due to the radiation of her heat. Soon the beserker seems to give up and disappears. What the hell?. "STEPH!" I turn my attention to Liam who has a scorched Steph in his arms.

Beauty is the Beast &lt;Liam Dunbar&gt; &lt;1&gt;Where stories live. Discover now