Yes, Dan

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Dan smacked you square in the face in his sleep, waking you up entirely. You groan, pushing Dan's hand off your face.

"You little shit." You whispered, not wanting to wake him, even though he woke you. Beebo, your dog, who was sleeping at your feet, curled up around Dan's leg.

You sit up in bed, getting up to go to the bathroom and take an adventure to the kitchen. You slowly and quietly exited the room, closing the door behind you.

You glanced at Phil's closed door. He's probably sleeping.

You twisted the ring on your finger as you found your way to the stairs, (somehow)managing not to fall down them. You and Dan haven't been married for more than two months already.

Dan obviously didn't want to move out with Phil just yet, and you didn't really want to leave him either, so there was debate if you should sell your flat that was across the hall.

With F/N moved in with Pj, and you being at Dan and Phil's 24/7, there was really no point in keeping the flat. You were basically paying for something you didn't use at all, whatsoever.

So, what was the point in keeping it? You'd just live at Dan and Phil's, sharing Dan's room. There was also talk about F/N and Pj moving into your old flat. That could work.

You thought about all this as you walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Empty.

And that was the moment you realized why you kept the flat.

You carefully left the Howell/Lester Residence, shuffling over to your flat.

You had food in your fridge, as always. The number one reason why D&P don't have food is  because you three don't go shopping, and you never go home. There for, you will always have food in your flat.

Though, F/N and Pj go grocery shopping. If they moved into your flat, you could just get food from them.

You pull out the grape jam and place it on the counter. Then the bread. And then the peanut butter. Nothing is better than a PB&J sandwich at 3a.m.

You sat at the counter, your PB&J on your plate in front of you with a glass of milk. Do I really wanna give up my own flat?

You know being married means sharing everything with Dan, but you were used to living alone. Having a place all to yourself to hide in.

And change is hard. Your whole life was change, practically every second something happens that leads to another whole something.

But... wouldn't it be nice to have one constant thing in my life, rather than a change for once?

It's been...
8 months since Braden died and Dan proposed.
7 ½ months since the Braden's funeral.
2 months since the wedding.
1 ½ months since the honeymoon.

You looked down at the ring on your finger. Apparently, Dan been planning a whole proper engagement but he just couldn't wait. He had asked your dad and brother, Matt, for their blessing, and they had accepted.


Meet me at Our Coffee Shop at eight. Wear something nice.

Do you mean my best jeans and fanciest band t-shirt?

If you show up in jeans and a Panic! At The Disco t-shirt, we're getting divorced.

Can't divorce me yet, Daniel, we're not even married yet.

Goodbye, Y/N. Meet me at eight. Wear a dress.

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