Talking With Realizations

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"Hey, so, F/N?"


"I'm pregnant."

Chunks of mac and cheese fly out of her mouth just as you said the two words that changed your life forever.

She begins coughing violently, and you have to eagerly slap her back to get her to spit up the rest of the mac and cheese.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!" F/N finally turns around to face you, staring at you, looking to see if you'll say Just kidding or got ya!

You nod, biting your lip. "I'm pregnant."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Start over. YOU'RE WHAT?!"

"Yes, I'm actually pregnant. There is a living human being growing inside of me." You tell her, just so it's clear.



"Actually, don't answer that..." She tells you, waving it off. "Y/N!"




She then grabs your hands and pulls you into a hug, jumping up and down. "Awww, I'm so happy for you." She sways back and forth and you laugh at her.

"Thank you."

"How did Dan take it?" She asks, pulling away to look at you.

"Better than I did, that's for sure." You respond, throwing the rest of the box of mac and cheese into the pot on the stove.


You nodded, shrugging.

Just then, out of nowhere, F/N gasps very loudly. "A BOY OR GIRL?"

"Don't know yet." You laughed at her sudden excitement.

"Are you going to find out? Or wait?"

You shrugged. "I haven't really thought about it... I haven't really given up the fact that I'll be a mother soon."

F/N rubs your arm in a comforting way. "Don't worry, Y/N. You've got all of us to help you out. So, if we do mess up the kid, you can blame it on all of us."

You laugh at her attempt of trying to make you feel better. I guess it did work... "That's very reassuring. Thank you, F/N."

F/N smiles brightly, giving you a thumbs up. "Did you tell Tyler yet? OH, DID YOU TELL YOUR DAD YET?"

You shake your head. You know you have to tell your father(and brother) soon, but every time you think about, it gives you anxiety. "I want to tell them in person."

"Well, don't wait too long!" F/N urges. "Or you won't even have to tell them! They'll figure it out when they see you!"

"I'm not sure that's the way to go..." You tell her, chuckling softly. "I think Dan and I are going to take a trip to L.A. soon to tell them."

"That's a good idea." F/N agrees.

Yep... It's just the timing that matters.


(Dan POV)
Y/N and I are laying in bed. It's about 3 a.m. but neither of us are able to fall asleep. "Hey, Dan?" Y/N whispers, turning her head look at me.

"Yeah?" I ask, locking eyes with her. The only light in the room is coming from the door that is cracked open only a smudge.

"Do you... do you want to know the gender of the baby?" She asks quietly, like it's some sort of secret, but I know she's just scared about the whole situation.

My grip on her waist tightens as I bite my lip. "I don't know... we haven't really talked about any of this."

Y/N nods, looking at the dark windows. "We should." She whispers.

I nod, totally agreeing. "I know."

We sit in silence or a moment and I turn on the bed side lamp for more light. "So... do you want to know?"

"Know what?" Y/N asks, looking back at me, pulling away from her own thoughts.

"The gender of the baby."

Y/N hesitates before slowly nodding. "I think it would be easier if we knew. But if you don't want to know, I can roll with it."

"You can't just roll with it, Y/N, this is a baby, we're not picking a restaurant." I tease her. But, Y/N doesn't smile, or laugh.

I probably shouldn't tease about this whole situation yet. It's still new, kinda shocking, and oddly enough, life changing.

"Sorry..." I whisper, pulling her closer to me.

She shake her head, waving it off. "What about names?"

"Daniel Jr."

"No." Y/N smiles.

"You got anything better?" I smirk.

She shakes her head, smiling softly. "No... Not yet. What about you?"

"No..." I hesitate, staring into Y/N's eyes. "Maybe we should ask the internet."

"The internet is not naming our kid, Daniel."

"No," I laugh at her sudden, stern reaction. "We could just get suggestions."

"SHIT... DAN, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO TELL THE INTERNET?" Y/N suddenly comes to the realization that making videos is going to be quite difficult with a baby growing inside of her.

"The truth...?" I ask, my voice squeaking.

"I guess so..."

"You guess so?" I smirk. "What are they going to think when your stomach is the size of a watermelon?"

Y/N laughs, slapping my shoulder. "Okay, okay. Shut up."

Y/N rests her head on my chest as I keep one arm wrapped around her waist and with the other, I slowly stroke her (long/short) Y/H/C hair.

"Y/N..." I finally come to a realization that leaves a horrible feeling in my stomach.


"We don't have the room for a baby!" I suddenly sit up, finally beginning to freak out.

Y/N sits up too, staring at me, waiting for what else I'm going to say. "We don't have any extra rooms! Our flat isn't big enough for the three of us! And the drilling outside will wake the baby up at night, and-"

"Dan." Y/N cuts me off. "Don't you freak out of me now." She points her finger at me.


"Dan, I didn't mean to get you worried. I just wanted to start talking about it. We'll figure the rest out later, okay?" She places her hand on my cheek, staring up into my eyes.

"Okay." I slowly nod, taking a deep breath. I wrap my arms around Y/N, placing a kiss on her soft, pink lips before laying her back down right next to me so her back is touching my chest.

"I love you." I whisper into her ear, holding her as close as I can.

She squeezes my arms, kissing my hand. "I love you too."


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