Phil's Gotta Secret He Can't Tell

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Remember, Beebo is your dog, not the human Brendon Urie. Unless you want Brendon as a pet, you be you:)


"Tyler, what are you doing?" You ask as you watch him push his own suitcase down the stairs.

"I'm coming to London with you."

Since your family's home is so crowded, Tyler let you bunk at his house, which is probably the smartest decision you've ever made, so why didn't I think of it earlier?

"What? Why?" Not that you don't want Tyler to come back with you, you're just generally confused as to why.

"Because I'm your best friend and we live a thousand miles from each other and now you're going to have kids! I feel like I haven't seen you in years! I can't miss everything, Y/N..."

"Awww... Tilly." You wrapped your arms around him in a hug, pressing your face against his chest. "Does someone miss me?"

Tyler wraps his arms around you as well, pressing you closer to his body. "Matt always tells me how much he misses you." He jokes.

"Yeah, that's two boys missing me." You tease, looking up at your best friend.

Tyler laughs, shaking his head. "Exactly. So, can I stay with you? Just for a little bit?"

"Of course... But isn't it your mom's birthday next week?"


"And, wouldn't she be upset if you weren't there?"

"I think she'd be more upset if you weren't there." He answers, staring down at me with a goofy smile on his lips.

"Ohh, Oakley, you always find a way to make me stay longer." You pull away, ruffling his hair.

"Don't worry because this time, you'll be the one wanting me to stay longer, Howell." Tyler jokes, winking at you.

You roll your eyes, smiling and turning to walk away because you don't have a good come back, and he's probably right.

~Time skip back to London, England with Tyler & D&P~

It was two o'clock in the morning, and just like every other day, Phil wasn't home yet. You got up at one a.m. and waited in the kitchen for him to come home. So, you sat in the dark for an hour, eating chips out of a family size bag, Beebo eating the crumbs at your feet.

You then hear the door click and wait for Phil to enter the kitchen. You see the door slowly crack open, light shining into the room, before the dark skinny figure of Phil slips through the door. You then turn on the lights, making him jump.

"HOLY CRAP!" Phil puts his hand over his heart, breathing heavily. "Y/N??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? YOU SCARED THE LIVING BEEJEVES OUT OF ME."

You couldn't help but laugh, watching him trying to catch his breath. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" You fake scold him.

"I don't know!" Phil answers, still in shock from the scare.

"Two a.m. Phil. It's two in the morning. Where are going you get home so late?"

"Yeah!" Tyler pops his head into the room, frightening both you and Phil.

"Jeez, Tyler, where'd you come from?!" You say, breathing heavy. Argh, now you know how Phil feels.

"Um, the gaming room... where I'm sleeping." Tyler informs you, like you're complete idiots.

"No, what are you doing up?" Phil clarifies for you.

"I heard yelling and figured there was a serial killer in the kitchen. And that is why I have this bat." Tyler swings out a bat from the dark corridor, exposing it in the kitchen light.

"WHOA!" A familiar yell sounds, coming from the hall behind Tyler. "Watch where you're swinging that thing, Tyler!" And none other than the other Howell(besides you), comes waltzing into the room.

"Well," Phil states. "This is just a party now."

"Phil, did you just get home, now?" Dan questions, finding his way over to you.

"Seriously? He has been for the past week. I know that and I don't even live here!" Tyler tells Dan, throwing the bat back into the hallway.

Dan wraps his arms around you, sitting behind you, and you rest back against him, your head on his chest. "So, where do you go, Philip?" Dan asks, squeezing you tight, peering over at his best friend.

"Nowhere..." Phil's face drains of the little color he has.

"Phil..." You say like a stern mother, hey gotta practice parenting sometime. "Where are you going so late at night? Not doing drugs with the kids, are ya?"

Dan and Tyler stared at you like you have officially gone crazy. "Okay, we need to get her to bed." Dan looks up at Tyler.

"Agreed." Tyler nods, talking as if you're not even in the room.

"We're here about Phil, guys. Not me!" You remind them.

"But-" Phil begins, but it's late everyone is tired so you all don't want to hear his excuses.

"PHIL, JUST TELL US WHERE YOU'RE GOING." Dan tells him, shouting, holding you tighter so you don't fall over because now you're half awake, half asleep.

"Ahrgh, fine." Phil signs, leaning on the kitchen counter. "I have a girlfriend."

"Stop lying, Phil." You tell him, again you've got one eye open and the other closed in a deep sleep.

"Oh Y/N." Phil laughs, seeing that you're dying internally and just want to go sleep.

"Wait... but seriously?" Tyler asks, leaning against the wall. "You have a girlfriend?"

"AND DIDN'T TELL US?!" Dan complains.

"She's... I only asked her out the other day." Phil shrugged, acting as if it wasn't such a big deal. But hell, you all were making it one.

"WHO IS SHE PHIL?" You ask, staring at him with wide eyes.

Phil laughs at you again before continuing. "Her names Meredith." He smiles to himself, blushing lightly. "We met at the book store."

"Aww..." Dan coos, softly rocking you back and forth like you're an infant. "I already ship it."

"What does she look like?" You ask him, resting your head on Dan's shoulder so you could look at Phil as he explains his new girlfriend to you.

"Well... She has long black hair an and dark brown eyes." He's smiling. He's happy, and it makes you happy and smile along with him.

"So, the girl version of you and Dan?" Tyler questions, peering up at him.


"Okay." Dan announces, stepping down from the chair, bringing you with him, Beebo following close behind. "It's definitely time for bed. We'll talk more in the morning."

"Ohh!" Tyler squeals. "Over tea and crumpets?" He asks in best british accent he could do.

"Stop being so racist, Tilly." You smack his shoulder lightly(because I have no arm strength whatsoever) as you and Dan walk past him.

"That's not racist!" Tylee argues, a smile on his face.

Dan sighs, rubbing your shoulder. "Say goodnight, Y/N."

"Good night, Y/N!" Phil calls out.

"Yeah... what he said..." You say groggily, almost tripping on the steps to your bedroom.


Have a good day and/or night, where ever you are in the world. Thank you, much love,


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