Goodbye Home, Goodbye Tyler

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You were in your apartment. The one across the hall from Dan and Phil you still weren't able to sell.

But, the landlord had come for a visit the other day and told you if you don't get your stuff out of there in time, he's selling everything inside of it, including the flat.

He didn't like the idea that no one was really using it, and it was just holding all your shit. Plus, you can't really blame him. He's right.

It's time to let it go.

You had one box, and only filled it with a few photo albums, a few of Beebo's squishy toys, and a book or two. Everything else important was already back at Dan and Phil's.

And now it was time to leave.

To. Let. Go.

You had asked Dan, who had insisted that he come with, that you do this all on your own. You came here on your own, starting this life on your own, and you wanted to leave it your own.

To start a new life, with Dan. The independence was good for a while, but now it feels better to have someone that's got your back.

Someone that will be there for you. Someone that will help you when you fall. Laugh when you laugh. Cry when you cry.

And it's a good thing.

It's good to let go.

It's good to move on.

Yeah, it's sad. But it's life. You'll get over it, but won't ever forget it. Now it's just a memory. An old, happy memory.

After about fifteen minutes of just standing in your kitchen, convincing yourself that you could do this, you made your way back to D&P's flat.

You slowly made your way up to the kitchen, taking your time, and already you could her the two boys bickering.

"Phil, you did it wrong."

"No I didn't, you did."


And you tuned them out as you walked up the stairs, taking a deep breath. You slowly crept into the kitchen to find Dan and Phil, trying to fold up cardboard boxes and then bickering about it.

They didn't see you at first as you made your way past them to the table where you put your own box down. You plopped yourself in the chair, watching the two boys trying to unfold a box.





They both turn their heads to you, which makes you jump. "Y/N!" They say in unison.

"Woah. Guys, calm down." You say, not quite up for their crap.

"Phil's folding the box wrong." Dan continues to argue.

"No, you are!" Phil argues you back.

"Oh my god, I swear to god you two your five year olds." You shake your head, covering your face with your hands.

"I'm not five." Dan states.

"Yeah. We're both five." Phil says. And that gets them both cracking up.

You shake your head, dropping your hands. "Like I said, five year olds." You sigh, "What are you even doing with those boxes in the first place?"

Dan and Phil exchange a glance before they both look back at you. "We both may have had a melt down..." Phil starts.

"Oh gawd, what did you two do?"

"Y/N... we're moving."

You stare at both of them, not knowing what to say. "You're what?"

"We're moving. This place isn't big enough for two of us, let alone you and now a baby." Dan says calmly. (that's not meant to be offensive, i just don't know how else to put it it lol)

"Plus, the drilling. And the drilling. And the drilling." Phil comments.

"And our poor neighbors." Dan adds in.

"And the cracks! The roof might actually cave in on us!"

"Plus, we don't have an extra room. Where would be put Baby?"

"And that's where the break down started." Phil says, gazing down at you.

You nod. "Right... so we're getting rid of two flats?"

Dan nods, taking a deep breath, placing his hands on his hips. "Pretty much."

And out of nowhere, you just start crying. "Aww, Y/N, don't cry!" Phil says, all concerned.

Dan runs to you, wrapping his arms around you. "Oh, Y/N I'm sorry."

You look up at him, tears continuing to stream down your face."Why are you apologizing?" You sob. "I don't even know why I am crying."

Dan chuckles, resting his cheek on the top of your head. "Aw, Y/N."


"I'm going to miss you." Tyler says, wrapping his arms around you in a giant bear hug.

"You too." You say, squeezing him back. "Hey," You begin, breaking away to look him in the eye. "Once we move, you can come over anytime you want. We'll have more room."

Tyler smiles, nodding. "Looking forward to it."

"And don't worry," Dan adds in. "You won't miss you anything. I'll document her whole pregnancy."

I roll my eyes. "Like hell you are." And I look back at Tyler and place my hand on his shoulder. "We'll keep you updated."

Tyler nods, figuring so. "You better."

You give each other one last hug before Tyler scurries off to catch his flight. You watch him go, stumbling through the jumble of people until he's lost in the crowd, and you can no longer spot him.

You sigh, wrapping your arms around yourself. Dan puts his hand on your shoulder and you look back at him. He pulls you against him and holds you in a hug.

All the way home.


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