Again and Again

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Your eyes flung open and that sickening feeling struck you again. You glanced at the clock on the nightstand, groaning.

3:00 a.m.

Here we go again.

You flung the blanket off yourself, fleeing from Dan's grip, and ran to the bathroom, just like last night.

You didn't understand.

Am I sick? Is it something I ate? Is it my new medication?

You don't have much time to think about it as you're sprinting(which is something I never do) towards the bathroom. You throw up in the toilet until your stomach was empty.

"Oh no." You hear a voice from the doorway.

You look up to see the one and only Phil Lester. Again.

"I woke you up this time, didn't I?"

He had black circles under his eyes and his fringe is pushed back into a quiff. He was definitely sleeping. "No." He shook his head. "I got up to pee."

You nod, doubting what he's saying is true, as you use the wall to help yourself up. "Y/N, are you okay?"

You nod. "Fine." You whisper, moving to the sink to wash that gross puke-like aftertaste out of your mouth.

"Are you sure? That's two nights in a row now."

You nod. "Yeah... It's probably the new meds." You shrug.

"You're sure?"

"Well, I don't know for sure..." You trail off, avoiding eye contact.

"Maybe you should go see a doctor." He suggests.

"Phil, I'm okay." You tell him.


"Fine." You sigh, too tired to fight him. "I'll call her in the morning."

Phil nods. "Good."

You brushed your teeth to get the puke taste out and leave Phil to pee as you run back up to Dan's room. And you fall asleep just as your head hits the pillow.


You and Phil haven't mentioned anything about last night to each other, or Dan. You did call the doctor and she said it most likely has nothing to do with the new meds.

You didn't tell Phil yet, but plan to later. Right now you, Dan, and Phil were meeting up with F/N, Pj, and Zoe at Starbucks.

F/N made you order a salad. She said you should eat 'healthier' so you could 'fit in a dress for the wedding.'

You then proceeded to smack her shoulder. She said she was joking, but still made you order the stupid salad anyways.

Dan laughed at you as you stuck the fork in your mouth. "Woah, slow down, Y/N. I haven't seen you eat that much in your whole life."

You almost choked. F/N slapped your back as you coughed, not wanting to spit the green goo all over the table.

So, her and I ran to the bathroom where I, and you guessed it, threw up.


On the third night you threw up again and Phil was already waiting outside the bathroom, leaning against the wall when you ran down the stairs.

When you were finished and had brushed your teeth, he walked into the bathroom. "What are you doing up?" You ask him, your voice shaking.

"I was waiting to see if you would throw up again. And you did. Three nights in a row, Y/N."

"I know." You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. "I called the doctor. It's not my medication."

Phil sighed. "I was doing research before I came down here." He stated.

You nodded, already knowing where this was headed because you've been doing research too. "Go on."

"I typed in all your symptoms. Throwing up, being fine the next morning. Eating a whole bunch... Y/N..."

"I know." You nodded, rubbing the back of your neck.

"Whatever happened to #rubberupfordan, Y/N?"

You tried so hard to not burst into laughing, shrugging. "Um... It was kind of a heat-in-the-moment type thing."

He shakes his head, trying to forget what you just said. "What are we going to do?" He whispers, raising his eyebrows, staring down into your eyes.

You shake your head. "I don't know... But we could be wrong. Let's just wait to see if the symptoms continue and do more research."

Phil nods. "Good plan..."

You sigh. "Alright, tomorrow. Research."

"Research." He agrees.

You rub your face with your hands, finally letting the information sink in. "Oh my god."

"Oh my god." Phil agrees, he can't believe it either.

"I might be pregnant."

"You might be pregnant."

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