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(Your POV In 1st Person)

I kneel on the ground as the small boy runs into my arms. His dark curly brown hair rubbing against my face. He let's go, looking up at me with those big beautiful Y/C/E eyes. "I love you, mummy!"

I giggle, stroking his bangs out of his face. "I love you too, Sammy."

Just then the doorbell rings. "Sam..." We both hear Dan's voice. We run out of the room to see him holding a small chubby baby, with little to no hair at all and big brown eyes, in one arm.

Dan has his other hand on the doorknob, grinning down at his son. "Uncle Phil and Aunt Meredith are here!"

Sammy gasps, jumping up and down. "Open in it, open in it!"

Dan laughs opening the door. Waiting on the other side is Phil, grinning, and Meredith holding a different baby in her arms with bright blue eyes.

"Uncle Phil!" Sammy runs to him before Phil could even walk through the door.

"Sams!" Phil bends down and scoops Sammy up into his arms.

Sammy gasps looking back at Meredith. "Is that my new cousin?"

Meredith grins, nodding. "Yes, Sam. This is Bella."

"Woah! Is she going to meet my sister?" Sammy is so in awe, he can't stop looking down at his new baby cousin.

I walk over to Dan and softly rub my daughter Jilly's bald head. Dan smiles down at me, kissing the top of my head.

"Sammy." I laugh, peering out the door. "Let Uncle Phil and Aunt Meredith get through the door."

Sammy jumps down from Phil's arms, grabs his hand and pulls him inside. "Come on Uncle Phil, Mummy and Daddy are waiting inside."

We were having a small family get to together for Sammy's sixth birthday before he goes back to school in August.

"Mummy, is Aunt F/N and Uncle Pj coming?" Sammy asked, tugging on the hem on my shirt.

"No..." I bend down and lift him into my arms. "They're on a vacation in Florida, remember?"

"Oh yeah..."

"But," I begin, lighting the mood. "Uncle Matt and Uncle Tyler are coming over, and we need to call grandpa in a few minutes."

"Okay!" Sammy jumps down from my arms and runs to Phil, his favorite uncle that lives two houses down.

"Uncle Phil!"

"What's up Sams?" Phil turns to look at him, a soft smile on his face.

Sammy runs to Phil and stands against his legs. "I ugg you, cause I love you!"

"What?" Phil laughs, totally confused but finding it hilarious. "You ugg me?"

"It's a hug without arms." Dan tries to explain. "He calls it an ugg. I don't know, Sam made it up."
(actually my cousin made it up and told me to put it in this story. YOU'RE WELCOME ADDIE, ENJOY)

"Oh okay." Phil laughs again, patting the top of Sammy's head.

Then, Beebo, our very old, very stubborn, little dog comes marching out of the back room. He can't run anymore, so he's slowly making his way towards Meredith, in an excited kind of way.

"Gawd." Meredith laughs, petting Beebo's head. "I can't believe after all these years, you're still alive."

"He's like our rock." Dan comments. "He's been here since the very beginning. Through it all. I don't think he ever will give up and die." He laughs.

And that's makes me smile because it's true. Beebo has adjusted to everything Dan and I have done in our relationship. Moving together, fighting together, having kids together. God, I love that old fart of a dog.

Soon, my brother Matt and my best friend Tyler arrive and we're all sitting around the coffee table, talking about whatever. But I just had to stop and look around for a second.

Eight years ago today, I thought my whole world was over. Lily, our new born baby, had passed away on this exact day.

But, eight years later, I think now things happen for a reason. I think Dan and I weren't ready to have kids. I think her death put a new perspective on everybody's life(including the internet, we obviously had to tell them).

And I'm okay with it now. Even though I never got to know her like I should have, I will always love her, and she'll be in my heart forever.

I look back at the wall we hung her birth certificate on. Just to let people know she existed, she was here, she made her impact on the world.

She did her part.

And now I have to do my part.

I look back at my family and can't help but smile. Dan and I have two kids. Phil and Meredith had their first baby. Matt and Tyler have just married, and will probably adopt kids soon enough. My dad was at a retirement home, and everyone was going forwards with their lives. And I'm glad we did.

"Y/N?" Dan asks, gaining my attention again.

"Yeah?" I answer, looking into his dark brown eyes.

He gives me a soft smile, exposing his cute little dimples on each cheek. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I nod, smiling. "Just thinking."

"Okay." Dan gives me an odd look, still smiling as he kisses my head and holds his hand in mine.

And from that point on, I know that I've done something right. So we still look ahead, and always move forward.

Through the good and the bad, it will always and forever will be, our future.


So, that is end of this book, and series.

I want to thank everyone who gave me love and support through this fanfic. Through all the writers block, the cheesy love scenes, the sad parts, the cringy as f*ck parts, and the way too dramatic ending, y'all stuck with me.

So I thank you for that.

I honestly didn't think I'd ever finish a fanfic from beginning to end. I always start them, and never finish them AH!

But somehow, I did this, and it is time to say goodbye to this book. I think this is all I can do with this book and these characters and I'm satisfied, so I hope you are too.

BUT, I do write other fanfics and will be posting some from different fandoms. I have a Supernatural one currently up and running, and a Walking Dead one, so go check them out, and if you don't like those fandoms, recommend them to someone who does!

Thank you so much again for reading, your kind words and thoughts mean everything to me,

Much love from the bottom of my heart,


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