The Family Has A Right To Know

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Like a band aid, rip it off, and the pain is over in seconds. Just tell them right away. Rip it off. Though, their reaction might take longer than a few seconds...

You fumbled with the plane safety belt, your hands shaking slightly. "Hold on," Dan says, stopping you. "I'll help you."

He unbuckles you and suddenly, all you want is off the plane. You quickly make your way into the aisle, not bothering to wait for Dan or Phil.

Yes, Phil went along as well, because why go anywhere without him? Though, you did leave your dog Beebo behind with Pj and F/N.

You, Dan and Phil and had planes to eat dinner at your family's house tonight, along with Tyler who is always at your house anyways.

When you eventually find Dan and Phil again, you get an uber to Tyler's house. The uber drops the three of you off at his door.

Before you got a chance to knock, the door swings open and Tyler is standing there, a huge smile on his face.

"Holy shit, are you telepathic or something?" You ask, staring up at your best friend.

"I wish!" He grabs your wrist and pulls you into a hug before you can even comprehend what's happening. "No, Phil texted me you were here."

"SO DOES THAT MAKE ME TELEPATHIC?" Phil questions, raising his eyebrows in excitement.

"How does that make any sense? You were with us, Phil." Dan breaks the news to him.

"Dang it... I just wanted one of us to telepathic powers."

"Speaking of telepathy..." Tyler begins looking down at you. "Do you have to pee?"

"How'd you know?"

"You do that weird thing where you constantly shift your weight onto one foot, and then switch after five seconds."

"Okay, you notice the weirdest shit... BUT YES I HAVE TO PEE I'LL BE RIGHT BACK."

"But, you went to the bathroom at the airport." Dan comments, laughing as you drop your bag and begin to sprint up the stairs.


"More like pregnant bladder." Tyler comments, jokingly, and if you were right next to him you'd slap his shoulder.



After a million questions about how London is, a thousand times of you trying to correct your family on Dan and Phil's names, and a hundred hugs, you were already tired.

Your childhood home consists of your aunt, uncle, three cousins, two grandmas, grandpa, brother, and your dad. A total of ten, eleven when Tyler is there(which is most of the time). And fourteen included you, Dan, and Phil.

You don't plan on telling your whole family right away... You were waiting to just get your brother and dad alone with you, Tyler, Dan and Phil.

When clock strikes 9:30, everyone usually scurries off to bed. "Matt." You grabbed his wrist as everyone began to stand up. "I want to talk with you and dad alone."

"Okay." Your brother nods. "I'll get him."

Once the room is (mostly)empty and it's just you, your dad, Matt, and the boys, you all re-sit at the table.

Your dad directly across from you, Matt next to him, diagonal from you, and Tyler next to Matt.

Then it was you on the end, Dan next you, and Phil next to him. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Dad asks, looking around the table before his eyes land on you.

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