What The End Is Not Really THE END

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4 Months Later...

"Phil, calm down, she's not dying. Her water just broke." Meredith attempted to calm Phil down, who was freaking out more than you were.

"Correction... I AM dying." You grunted in pain, holding your stomach with one arm, the other clutching Dan.

"Okay, let's go before we have a home birth!" Dan warned, tugging you out the door, which you didn't argue.

~At the hospital~

You hold Dan's hand, closing your eyes. "I have made the new discovery of free cookies in the cafeteria!" Your brother, Matt, announces walking back into your hospital room.

You groan, not wanting to think of food, or anything, but getting the small human being out of you soon. "Did you bring extra?" Phil asks him.

"I got everyone two." Matt smirks passing them out to everyone in the room: Dan, Phil, Meredith and you.

"I don't want your cookies." You push his hand away, turning on your side.

"Fine... I'll eat them." He chuckles, shoving two in his mouth at a time, which did make you laugh.

"Matt!" You giggle, holding your stomach.

"Excuse me." None of you had noticed the doctor had stepped into the room.

You all turn your heads to look at her as Matt hides the other two cookies behind his back. The doctor looks at him but quickly looks away, staring in your direction. "How are we?"

"In pain." You answer without thinking.

The doctor lets out a small chuckle. "I'd assume so... Anyways," She looks around the room at everyone else. "I'm now going to have to ask you all to leave, please. You will be invited back in the room after the baby is born."

Everyone gets up, wishing you luck as they each leave the room, following closely behind one another.

When they're gone, the doctor shuts the door and it's just you, her, and Dan. "Welp," Dan mumbles so only you can hear him. "Miracle of life, here we go."

~Time Skip brought to you by Anthony, Dan or a RAT~

You lay on your side, tears running down your face like rain. Dan holds you in his arms, crying into your shoulder, you both in the hospital bed together.

The doctor announced your baby was a girl, born at 5:27, on July 24, 2017.

Her name was Lillian Ray Howell. Lily for short.

Then... the doctor announced her death at 5:34, on July 24, 2017.

She didn't live long enough to even open her eyes.

The doctor slowly and carefully made her way in front of you, sitting so you were face to face while you were still lying down. She takes her hand in yours and squeezes it. "I'm so so sorry... would you like me to tell your family for you?"

You didn't answer. You remained frozen, in shock. Dan rubbed your shoulder, looking up at the doctor. "Go ahead." His voice his shaky and chopping from the sobs caught in his throat.

And that was officially the worst day of your entire life.

So... The end.

No, it's not the not end of your life, but the end of the chapter. End of this story. Endings aren't always a happily ever after, hell they never are. They just stop when something good happens, they mask it up with a happy memory.

Endings aren't real. There will always be more, until the day you die. And after that, it still isn't over.

Through the good and the bad, there will always be more. Plus, things will always get worse before they get better.

There's always another chapter, even if it doesn't feel like it. Even if it feels like it's over, it's not. Not really.

Because you have to move on. No, you can't forget. But just move forward. That's the human thing to do.

Move forward.

Even though it's hard, you have to. Or else it is the end. You always have a choice.

It all just depends on what you choose.

So, what the end is not really the end,

from your family to others,

The End


Yes, I will do an epilogue😂❤️


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