Moving and Movies

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Moving is hard. Especially when you look down and can no longer see your feet.

"Come on, Y/N."

You were sitting in the middle of the empty loft, eating a sandwich on the floor. You haven't realized how big the room really was until all the shit was removed.

You looked up at Dan who has peeked his head through the door.


Dan grins, standing fully in the doorway, pulling out his phone. And he takes a picture of you, giving him a thumbs up and holding up your sandwich.

"How do I look?" You ask, taking another bite of your ham sandwich.


"Daniel!" If you weren't sitting on the floor, and could get up all on your own, you would slap him in the face.

But, he's not wrong. You were probably the size of a cantaloupe, just a bit smaller than a watermelon.

"Ohh, Y/N I love teasing you." Dan smirked, kneeling down next to you.

You cross your arms, looking away from him. "You're so mean."

"Yeah... but you love me." Dan kisses the top your head.

"Shut up." You lightly smack him in the stomach and he laughs, falling back until he's lying on his back.

"Ahh!" He jokes. "I've been attacked!"

You roll your eyes, pushing the plastic plate, that held half of the sandwich you had left, away. "Help me up, Dan."

Dan looks up at you, sitting up. He sighs, loudly, standing up. "Okay... You ready to leave?"

You nod, looking back at the empty room. "Yeah. You?" You ask, holding out your arms to him.

He grabs your hands, grinning. "Definitely." And he helps you to your feet.

You take one last glance around the room before noticing the sandwich still on the floor. "Ohhh, Danny." You sigh, putting your hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, Y/N?" He smiles, looking down at you with sparkling eyes.

"I'm gonna you need to bend down and grab my sandwich for me." You say and can't help but laugh while saying it.

Dan laughs too, shaking his head. "Nope. It's the houses now, let's go." And he pulls you out the door, leaving the flat and sandwich behind.

(RIP half of the ham sandwich 2k17)

"See you in a bit, Y/N." Phil says, shuffling towards the door.

"Where are you going?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.

"Dan and I are filming a gaming video."

"Is the game room finished?" You ask. The new flat was filled with cardboard boxes that you and the guys haven't had the energy to unbox just yet.

Phil shakes his head, a small smile on his face. "No..."

"Okay...?" You smile back. "Have fun."

He nods. "Will do." And he turns to leave the kitchen again, but you stop him.

"Wait, Phil." He turns around to look at you once again. "Tell Dan I'll be back in a few hours."

"Where are you going?"

"F/N and Pj's." You state, standing up. "F/N needs help filming, or something like that, I kinda wasn't paying attention when we were talking on the phone."

Phil laughs, shaking his head. "Ohh, Y/N... But, okay I'll tell Dan. You have fun, too."

"Will do." You nod, smiling, repeating his words.


"What movie? Big Hero 6, or Bambi?" F/N holds up two movies covers for you to see.

"Well... both will make me cry." You state, sitting back against the couch. "Why are we watching a movie, anyways? I thought you needed help filming."

F/N shrugs. "I decided to do something different... besides, we haven't hung out in awhile. I kinda miss living with you."

"I know right." You sigh. "Boys are complicated."

"And you live with two!"


F/N giggles, shaking her head. "Okay, which one?" She holds up the movies once again.

"Uh..." You contemplate your choices, weighing the good things vs the bad. "Big Hero 6." You finally decided. "I'll just close my eyes and cover my ears when...
Tadashi dies."

F/N nods, putting the movie in the DVR before coming to sit next to you on the couch. "Good plan."

1hour, 48 minutes, and 500 tissues later, the movie ended and Pj had walked through the door. He stopped walking to stare at you and F/N, a confused look splattered across his face.

"Um... are you guys okay?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

"No, no we are not." You answer, wiping your nose with another tissue.

"The ending always gets me." F/N shakes her head, taking another tissue as well.

"What did you watch?" Pj asks, staring like you've both gone crazy.

"Big Hero 6."

Pj face palms and rolls his eyes. "Okay, I can see Y/N crying, you know hormones and everything, but seriously F/N?"

"Have you seen the movie?! Baymax gives up his life to save Hiro and that one girl! Oh my gosh, how could you not cry?!"

"Yeah." You nod, sniffing. "What she said."

Pj rolls his eyes, turning to leave again. "You two are so dramatic."

"You know it, babe!" F/N comments.

Pj chuckles, heading for the stairs. "Goodbye, F/N, Y/N and Baby."

I blame Dan for that-since we don't have a name picked out.

"Bye." You wave before he sprints up the stairs. You look at F/N who's looking down at her phone. "Well, I should probably be going."

"No!" F/N slams her phone face down on the arm of the couch. "I mean... Don't go. Just... one more movie? And then we can film a video or something?"

You sigh, checking the time on your own phone. "Another movie?"

"Please? We can watch something funny this time."

You hesitate and F/N is giving her best puppy-dog-beg eyes. "Fine."


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