Puking Isn't Fun

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You woke up in the middle of the night from a dream where Phil ate the last of the Cream Puffs, and for some reason it really pissed you off.

Your stomach was twisting at turning and you could feel whatever food was in it begin to rise. You quickly look at Dan, but it was too dark to see him.

His arm was wrapped around your torso and his head was on your chest. You steadily pulled out from under his grip, trying to go quickly without waking him up.

Once you were free, you ran out the room, feeling a warm liquid in the back of your throat rising. You flicked the lights on in the bathroom and just in time dropped your head over the toliet and pucked.

You coughed as more came up. It burned your throat and just outright didn't taste good. You hated throwing up. You'd rather be coughing up blood or have a really bad cold for days on end.

Tears ran down your cheeks, just because you hated it so much. Once your stomach was empty, you sat on the floor, your head in the toilet bowl as you waited just in case it happened again.


You groan, lifting your head to see Phil, popping his head in the doorway. "Are you okay?"

You shake your head before spitting into the toilet. "You threw up?"

You nodded, not having the energy to speak. "Do you want me to get Dan?"

You weighed your decisions before shaking your head. Dan was sleeping and you didn't need to bother him like you did Phil. "I'm okay." You slowly stood up, flushed the toilet, and Phil grabbed your arm to help you.

You smiled softly at him. God, he's such a good friend, I don't know what I'd do without the little smol bean. "You sure?"

You nodded again, grabbing the side of the sink to balance yourself. "Yeah, thanks Phil."

He nodded, smiling warmly. "You probably have the stomach flu or ate too much." Phil suggested, shrugging.

"Maybe I had too much Cream Puffs." You joke, though you were the only one that understood it.

"You had what?" Phil laughed, raising his eyebrows.

"You know, cream puffs. Well, I didn't actually eat them... I had a dream where you ate all them and I was angry at you for it... I don't know, it was weird."

"Well, if we ever buy cream puffs, remind me to never eat all of them without your permission." Phil teased.

"Noted." You nodded, before looking down at the sink and turning it on. "Sorry I woke you."

"No, you didn't wake me. I was doing A Sleepless Night with Phil and saw the bathroom light on." He assured you, showing you his phone in his hand.

You nodded, glad that you weren't the one keeping him up. You took a sip of water and Phil walked you back to Dan's room. "Thank again, Phil." You whisper, so you don't wake Dan.

He nods. "No problemo."


The next morning you felt fine, as if it never happened. You met Dan and Phil downstairs in the kitchen, who were looking through the all cabinets.

"Are we on a food hunt?" I ask, leaning against the counter.

"YES." Phil says, continuing to search the kitchen.

"I think it's time to go shopping, guys." Dan says, looking back at you.

"I think it is." You agree, a smile on your face. Dan smiles back, walking up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and kissing the tip of your nose.

Phil sighs, turning around, closing the cabinet. He locks eyes with yours as he furrows his eyebrows. "Oh, Y/N, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, actually." You nod, shrugging.

Dan looks down at you, totally unaware and confused. "What happened?"

"I threw up last night. But I feel fine now." You tell him, looking up into his eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Dan asks, the grip on your waist tightening in a protective way.

You shrug. "I didn't want to disturb you. Plus, Phil was already up. I'm fine now, though."

He hesitates. "Okay." Dan gives you a small smile before kissing the top of your head.

Just then you heard Phil squeal. You both look
over at him with confused looks. "Sorry," he says, trying to contain his laughter. "I still ship it."


"Hey, look what came in the mail today." Dan threw the white envelope across the room to you. Sure, it landed ten feet away from you, but you were still impressed with his throw(because you know, Dan's Dan).

You walked over to the envelope that was now faced down the floor. You picked it up and tore it open because you can't open those things nicely, even if you tried.

"What is it?" Phil asked, looking at you as he continuing to help Dan put groceries away.

"F/N AND PJ's WEDDING INVITATION!!" You squealed, running in place in all your joy.

"Yayayayay!" Phil said, quite tired from the trip you took to the store, though he was still generally excited.

"Where's the wedding?" Dan asked, putting the milk in the fridge.

"Ah, some church in London. You know Mrs. T, the Christian woman she is, if it wasn't at a church, F/N would be dead."

"Right..." Dan nodded, though confused and a bit weirded out. But, he decided he shouldn't question it.

Smart move, Daniel.

"Oh, Phil!" You say after a long moment of silence.

Phil looks up at you and laughs at your sudden realization that you forgot to tell him something. "Yes, Y/N?"

"My brother needs a date to the wedding. Well, not a date, date, but like someone to go with. Interested?"

Phil laughs before nodding. "Sure. Me and Matt could have some bro to bro time."

Dan looks at Phil who is on the verge of breaking into a fit laughter. "No. Don't say that ever again, Phil."



Idk, I feel like I would get lots of hate because it wouldn't be with Dan and you know #phanforlife 😂😂
Anyways... thanks for reading y'alls, love ya,


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