Chapter 26
I walked in the house and saw Carol setting out the table and a sigh of relief washed over me, I wasn't late.
"Need a hand Carol?" I asked.
"Oh no dear I'm fine, but could you maybe grab the boys? Tell them dinner is ready" She said as she started to serve the food upon the plates.
"Yeah sure" I ran upstairs and knocked on Lucas's door first I heard a scuffle and then a bang and opened the door quickly in reaction to see if Lucas was alright.
"Lucas?" I said as I looked in his room for him and was shocked to find him and Heidi quickly gathering their clothes from the ground.
"Oh my god!" I turned my back to them not wanting to see something that could possibly scar me for life.
"Jesus Sarah! Did I say for you to come in?" He said as he buttoned up his shirt.
"I heard, I mean well I thought—well I didn't think I was going to walk in on this. I just came up to tell you that dinner is nearly ready" I said and then quickly shut the door.
"Sorry Sarah!" I heard Heidi call out with a bit of a giggle.
I shook my head trying to clear my mind of any thoughts it might conjure as to what I nearly walked in on. I paused a little and swallowed hard, I wished for the kind of relationship that Luke and Heidi shared, one uncomplicated by the outside world.
But I knew that would never be Jason and me. I knew that this would not be our last obstacle, that there would be hurdles we would have to learn how to jump in the future, I just wished our hurdles weren't so close together, because more often than not I feel like I'm falling in a tangled mess, but it's nice to know that Jason will always be there to catch me.I walked over to John's door and knocked and waited for an answer before barging in this time.
"John?" I called out. I knocked again but there was still no answer.
"I'm coming in, ok?" I opened the door tentatively hoping this wouldn't be the second time I was to walk in on something that could scare me for the rest of my life. I walked in to find John sculling a disgusting red looking drink. He exhaled loudly as he finished his drink.
"Hey Sarah!" He said smiling from ear to ear.
"What's up? What can I help you with? What can John the great do for Sarah the incredible?" He said in the most upbeat tone I had ever heard him talk in.
"Um, well Carol the courageous told me to tell you that dinner is ready" I said, a little bewildered at his enthusiasm.
"Fantastic!" John said as he picked me up and spun me around, I squealed a little not expecting this sudden burst of energy he seemed to have.
"Put me down John!" I laughed out. "Geez John, what's with the sudden—well I don't even know what to call this"
"Can't a guy just be exceptionally happy?"
"Ah yeah he can, I'm just--" I paused, suddenly a scent had filled my nose so powerful it nearly made me gag.
"Oh my god, John what is that smell?"
"Smell? What smell?" I didn't really want to get closer to this pungent smell but it was familiar and stirred something inside of me that made me feel week at the knees. I walked around Johns room until the scent became stronger and realised it was coming from John's drink that I saw him sculling when I entered his room.
"John, what are you drinking? It smells, I can't even describe how bad it smells" I said taking a few steps away from it now that I had found the source.
"Huh? Oh that, it's just a protein shake, not the best flavour but it does the job. We better get going mum will be waiting for us" John said as he placed his hand on my back guiding me out of his room.
"Can I look at the bottle it came from?" I said stopping John in his tracks.
"Why? Why do you want to see that?" He said agitated.
"I just want to know what it is exactly you are putting in your body, because I mean if it smells that bad it might not be good for you" All of the sudden the temperature around us started to rise, sweat even started to form on my forehead it had gotten so hot. I looked at John confused as to what was happening but he didn't look confused at all, he looked angry, furious even.
"How the hell is that your concern Sarah? Why can't you just leave it alone huh?" He slammed his fist against the wall, I looked at the wall thinking I would find a crack in the plaster from John's powerful fist but instead the plaster around his fist started to melt and I knew John was the reason for the abrupt change in temperature.
I started to back away slowly. "I'm sorry John, I was just concerned for you"
"Why can't everyone just stop being concerned for me?! I am not asking for your help, I have all the help I need, I don't need you" It was like a switch had been flicked in John's mind going from the happiest man on the planet, to this. John clicked his fingers and an intense flame erupted from his fingertips.
"See this? I can now control my powers again and that was without any of your help!" He yelled
"What's going on?" Lucas said as he came out of his room. "Jesus! John what the hell have you done to the wall?!"
John turned around with a crazy look in his eye and it was all directed at Lucas.
"You! You know what? This is for you!" He said in a menacing tone, one that let you know he wasn't fooling around. John drew his arm back aiming his flames at Lucas and Heidi. I quickly grabbed hold of his arm and directed his hand towards the ceiling, the flames tore through the roof and ripped through the sky above. The power behind his fire abilities was like nothing I had ever seen before.
Lucas charged at John and punched him square in the jaw but John didn't budge, it was like he was made of stone or something. John threw Lucas to the ground and started to punch him repeatedly in the face both Heidi and myself jumped on John trying to get him to stop but it was no use.
All of a sudden I was thrown against the wall with John landing on top of me, Heidi had gathered a powerful gust of wind with her elemental abilities and thrown John and myself against the wall. Carol and Dad were running up the stairs by this point to see what was going but before they could reach the top John pushed them out of the way as he ran down the stairs and out the front door.
"John?!" Carol called. "What's going on?" With one look at Lucas, Carol was down by his side.
"Oh my god! Lucas, baby what happened? Someone call triple 0!" Carol cried out. Heidi informed Carol what had happened whilst my dad rushed over to me.
"Sarah! Are you ok?"
"I'm fine dad"
"What happened up here?" He said looking up at the hole in the roof.
"Hang on Dad, I'll be right back I have to help Lucas"
I just hoped what I was about to do, would work.

Fatal Impressions (Book 2)
RomanceThe peaceful life that Jason and Sarah have been hoping for is still a while away, a new enemy has made themselves noticed and they just might be even more powerful than Vincent. As Sarah tries to come to terms with her new powers, she realizes thi...