Chapter Three
Since the first day I returned back to school Jason made sure I always had someone watching me. No there hadn't been any suspicious character hanging around our town and to my knowledge there hadn't been any threats to my life. Jason was just taking-some extra precautions, it wasn't all bad. When I say I always had to have someone watching me, it usually meant Jason and I loved being around him anyways and if for some reason he couldn't be with me it was usually John or Lucas, so it wasn't like I had SWAT team watching my every move, just over cautious werewolves.
We were half way through science when I finally had to say something though. It was hot, sweaty and I could start to feel it cramp up.
"Jason" I whispered to him. He looked over to me, no longer paying attention to our teacher Mrs Jinks.
"Ah, could I have my hand back?" We had been literally been holding hands ever since we walked through the school doors. Jason was able to get his timetable changed, so we would have as many classes together as possible, I asked him how was able to get it changed so quickly and he would just say "I've got connections" trying his best to imitate a gangster.
"Oh I'm sorry" He quickly let go of my hand and placed his now lonely hand on the desk in front of him with a clear look of disappointment.
"No it's just, my hand is all sweaty and I don't want to make your hands all disgusting plus you can't keep writing with your left no matter how much you say that you can write with it" We both looked down at his chicken scratch hand writing and looked back at each other.
"Hey as long as I can read it, than that's all that matters" I smirked and looked at him.
"Okay then, what does the first line say?" He looked down at his notes and pulled a confused and hilarious expression.
"Something about......Mitosis?" Not even close. I laughed and shook my head.
"You can borrow my notes but maybe next time how about we put the hand holding on pause while were in class?"
"I would sacrifice my notes to hold your hand anytime" He kissed me quickly on the cheek so Mrs Jinks didn't see. "But if you could let me borrow your notes that would be great" He smiled like an idiot and I could help but giggle.
Before I knew it science was over and we were on our way to lunch, hands entwined. It was Tuesday which meant it was my day to sit our friends table. I could see Megan waving her hand to signalling where she was. Jason and I made our way through the crowd of hungry teenagers and sat down at the table.
"Hey Megan, what's up?" I asked.
"Not much, Rob and Andy are out getting our food" We devised a brilliant plan, Rob and Andy would get our food (Usually pizza, taco's or wedges), while one of us would grab a table and then we would pay them when they come over to us. The only reason we did this was because our school was overpopulated with students and there was defiantly not enough chairs and tables in the cafeteria.
We were all just chatting about our day so far when we heard.
"Lunch is served" And there trays in hand was Rob and Andy holding our pizza's.
"Yum! Thanks guys!" I was just about to dig in when I noticed we were one down.
"Hang on where's Andrea?"
"Um I don't know, I saw her in PE this morning" Megan said.
"Maybe she's in the ladies room?" Andy said with a mouth full of pizza.
"Maybe I should go check on her" I was just about to leave the table when I felt a pull on my wrist.
"I'm sure she's fine Sarah, why don't you eat your lunch first?" Jason was giving me his pleading eyes, he didn't even want me to walk to the ladies room. I love Jason to bits but this was getting a little insane, I should be able to walk 10 feet away from him, without him going into paranoia. I knew it would be a hopeless fight and so I decided it would be easier to just text her. I sat back down at the table, with two pairs of eyes watching me, Megan nodding her head knowing what I was thinking. She didn't know the full truth about Jason and mines relationship (mainly the whole werewolf thing) but I had given her the edited version and she understood enough what I was going through and Jason eyes watching me like always. Surprisingly Rob for once wasn't staring at me like he usually, this time his attention was all on Jason.

Fatal Impressions (Book 2)
Roman d'amourThe peaceful life that Jason and Sarah have been hoping for is still a while away, a new enemy has made themselves noticed and they just might be even more powerful than Vincent. As Sarah tries to come to terms with her new powers, she realizes thi...