JORDAN - Secretly dating.

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Sun slipped between the curtains. A groan left your mouth before turning around. You snuggled closer to your blanket as you felt your boyfriend of six months, Jordan, drag your body back closer to his. A soft sigh left his lips and a smile spread on your lips. You slightly opened your eyes as you looked at the clock on your nightstand.

"Baby," You said before turning back to face him. He was in deep sleep and his lips were slightly parted. You placed your hand on his cheek before caressing it. When he didn't react you smiled before placing a peck on his lips. The grip on your waist tightened as a small smile spread across his lips but he was still asleep.

"Baby, time to wake up," You said again and he groaned a bit but you quickly placed a quick kiss on his lips as he stirred. Soon he slowly opened his eyes and he gave you a big smile as your eyes met.

"Morning baby," He mumbled. His morning voice was deep, low and raspy. The sound of his morning voice gave you goosebumps. It was so sexy. He pressed his lips on yours and you kissed him back. The kiss got heated quickly and his hands soon found their way under his shirt you wore. He hummed in appreciation when his thumb made contact with your nude nipple.

"We don't have time for this Jordan, you have an interview in a little more than an hour," You mumbled in between kisses however you didn't stop kissing him. Jordan smiled into the kiss as he himself didn't stop either.

"Then why don't you stop?" He asked in between kisses. You only shrugged before he suddenly hovered above you. You placed your hands around his neck before tuggin at his hair which made him moan into the kiss.

"We have to stop," You said as you still kissed him.

"We have time for a quickie," He said before kissing down your neck as his hands pulled your shirt over your chest, exposing your breasts to him. He was placed between your legs and as he pulled his boxers down you spread your legs wider for him. Jordan stroked himself with his right hand as he reached for the drawer to take a condom.

When he was all set he rubbed his tip on your slit a few times making you moan before thrusting inside you. A loud moan left your lips when you felt the feeling of him stretching your walls. You didn't have time for any slow motion today, instead Jordan picked up a sweet and fast pounding. Your nails dug into his skin as the sound of your moans and naked skin slapping together filled the room.

"Ah fück baby," He moaned loudly as he sat up and placed his hands on your hips before thrusting harder and deeper. You placed your hands on his as you felt yourself get closer. You started to move your hips with his as you continued to moan incoherent words and his name.

"Don't stop, I-I'm gonna..-" You moaned however he placed his wet thumb on you clit which made you cüm. He was right behind you. He thrusted a few more times before letting out a groan. He gently pulled out from you which made you whine before collapsing next to you. Both of your breaths were rugged and both bodies were covered in sweat.

"Fück that was great," Jordan said before letting out a big breath. You only hummed in response as you tiredly closed your eyes. You felt him cover your body with the blanket again after leaving the bed. Soon you felt his lips on you forehead before he walked away to the bathroom. A relaxed sigh left your lips as you heard the shower start.

About an hour later you woke up to silence. You rubbed your eyes before quickly leaving the bed. When you walked outside your bedroom and into the kitchen goosebumps covered your skin due to the chilly air. A smile spread on your lips when you saw a little note on the kitchen counter with a very familiar handwriting.

'Hope you got some more sleep, the interview will air 9 o'clock if you're interested to see or you can watch it online later if you need some more sleep. Love you, J'

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