MARCO - Tease

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Marco and his vikings friends had just finished filming the fifth season of Vikings. As always they had their dinner together and as Marco's girlfriend they had begged to meet the girl who made Marco smile all the time. Y/n currently stood in the shower, warm steaming water drained her body as she let out a sigh. She didn't know what they would think of her, would they approve and did they need to approve of her? Those thoughts and many other filled her mind as Marco sneaked inside the shower with her. Without hearing him she jumped slightly when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around her body followed by kisses on her neck. A wide smile spread across her lips as she placed her hands over his and rested her head back against his shoulder.

"I'm a very lucky man you know that right?" Marco mumbled into her neck before biting the tender skin there softly, making her moan. She smiled and giggled when she felt him pressing his hard member against her back. "I don't remember what I did to ever deserve you."

"You just swept me completely off my feet that night nine months ago. That's what you did, you cheeky ass." She giggled and he chuckled. They had met when he had been out partying with some friends, some of them actually being on Vikings as well. However they had gotten their girls for the night and Marco, being slightly desperate to find someone, had walked up to the bar to hit on a gorgeous brunette with bigger boobs but got turned down for his very cliché pick up lines. Y/n had overheard everything as she stood and sipped on a vodka slim as her friend gained the shit out of a guy in a corner. She had laughed at his failed attempt to get laid which had given her his attention. Then after an hour or so of talking, another half an hour dancing they had left in a shared cab to his place.

"Swept you off your feet, more swept you down with me when I fell on the dance floor." Marco chuckled before turning her around. She chuckled and looked him in the eyes before attaching their lips. Marcos hands found her waist and he pulled her naked body against his. A pleased sigh left her lips as she enjoyed the kiss but also the feeling of his naked skin against hers. Before anything more could happen she pulled away.

"We need to get ready." She mumbled but Marco didn't listen. His hands held her waist in a tight grip as he once again moved down to her neck and left kiss after kiss in a long trail.

"We have plenty of time baby." Marco mumbled before everything got into a daze.

Exactly about forty-five minutes they had successfully hailed a cab after three failed attempts, their orgasms had barely left their systems as they quickly had to hurry to the dinner. They both thanked the older driver after telling them their destination.

"Great first impression to be late." Y/n mumbled under her breath as Marco pulled his hand through his semi wet hair as the other rested on her thigh, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Don't worry they will love you." Marco chuckled as he noticed her nervous state. After ten minutes they arrived at the restaurant. Y/n wanted to stop in the cab, she didn't want to go inside and meet all those important people in his life. She was too nervous and started to worry that they wouldn't like her and she would sit there quiet all night.

"Marco!" Someone almost yelled as they stepped inside the restaurant. Y/n relaxed a bit when she stepped inside, the warmth and the causal feeling almost made the place to a pub more than a restaurant. Marco held her hand as a smile spread across his lips before guiding her towards the table where almost ten people were sitting already. "You're late!" The same person said, a brunette guy.

"Sorry, traffic!" Marco said before placing his arms around her shoulder. "Guys, this is Y/n my girlfriend that you have been so desperate to meet!" Marco said with a chuckle and Y/n smiled. She looked at everyone and the nerves in her body just grew and got worse.

"Hi, nice to finally meet you all!" Y/n said with a smile and they all said their hellos. A beautiful woman with long blond hair smiled widely at her.

"Marco, she's gorgeous!" She exclaimed and they all agreed, especially the guys. Y/n felt her cheek getting redder than they were from rushing to get here.

"I think we all know why you've hidden her from us!" A younger guy said with blond hair. Marco only chuckled but the grip on your waist got tighter.

"Y/n this is Katheryn and Alexander. Over there is Gustaf, Maud, Peter, Jasper, the other Dane Alex and Jordan." Marco said and Y/n nodded as she said another hello. They sat down and they quickly threw all imaginable questions at her which made her chuckle and increase her blush. She calmed down pretty quickly as they all seemed nice.

The rest of the dinner went by faster than she could imagine. Her cheeks hurting from all the laughter as they told her all the crazy stories from set. Alex had been on your left all night and she had gotten pretty attached to his easy persona. When the food had left the plates, Alex had asked who wanted to continue the night. The older cast had decided it was all fine with just going to another pub or so as Alex, Marco, Y/n and Jordan decided to hit one of the local clubs in Dublin. Y/n thanked them all for a lovely even after getting hugs from everyone before they left.

"Y/n what do you want to drink?" Alex asked as they reached the bar. Y/n bit her lip as she thought how hungover she wanted for be in the morning.

"Vodka slim." She said and he nodded before calling out for the bartender. A hand slipped around her waist before a pair of lips placed itself on her cheek.

"Vodka slim? I'm quite familiar with that one!" Marco chuckled before winging her brows at her. Jordan joined them soon with a girl.

"Y/n, this is my girlfriend Rebecca, she had work so she couldn't join us for dinner." Jordan said and Y/n smiled at the very beautiful girl. "What are we drinking?" Jordan asked and looked at Alex who ordered.

"Vodka slim, three beers, ten tequila shots and... Rebecca what are you drinking?" Alex said as he peaked over his shoulder to look at her.

"Vodka on the rocks!" She said as Jordan stood behind her and placed his hands on her waist. After getting their drinks Alex started to divide the shots between them, two each and Y/n scrunched her nose up in disgust after the first one before they quickly drank the other one. The liquid burning down her throat before she sucked on the lemon, feeling Marco's eyes being glued on her mouth.

"I need a kiss after that." Marco mumbled to her and she giggled before he placed his lips against hers.

"And I need to get more drunk to look at that!" Alex said before ordring them two more shots.

Liquor floded through their veins, their hearts beated with the rhythm from the very loud music as they had the time of their lives. Y/n was currently dancing with Alex who was very flirtatious when he was drunk, more than his sober self. Y/n felt her stomach and face aching from all the laughing. She moved her gaze around the room to spot her boyfriend who stood by the bar, talking with the bartender before emptying a bottle of beer. When he turned around and their eyes met he smirked. Y/n bit her lip as she moved her hips with the beat. Marco's teeth sunk into his bottom lip when his eyes got glued on her hips. She motioned for him to come over and he quickly drowned the shot the bartender had placed next to him before walking over.

"Such a tease baby..." Marco mumbled in her ear as he pulled her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck before attaching her lips against his neck. She felt his vein puls against her lips which made her smile. Marco moved his hands down to her ass, giving it a firm squeeze. "Such a tease."

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