TRAVIS - Naked chef

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The tabloids had been filled with paparazzi pictures for weeks, photos of the Vikings star Travis Fimmel and his thirteen year younger rumored girlfriend. Y/n sat on the couch, in an apartment in Ireland. Travis were out on a meeting with his agent and doing an interview for a magazine she didn't bother to remember the names. She had been reading a lot of magazines lately, she had been curious about what people were saying yet she tried to remind herself not to bother.

Travis had arrived back from an interview a few weeks ago and a casting for a movie when she were reading one of the first magazines about them both. He, who didn't care nor wanted the medias attention, told her to put it down and stop caring.

'Vikings star Travis Fimmel was seen out and about with his rumored girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N a couple of days ago. The pair walked hand in hand as they strolled down the streets of Dublin looking deeply in love.' Her eyes followed each word in the magazine.

'According to sources the couple met during Travis Fimmel's visit to Ireland during filming for the new upcoming season 4 of the successful HBO series Vikings. If the romance is real or just a fling will only time tell us, yet we're torn between wanting the actor to find love and to keep him to ourselves am I right?' She snorted when she read the last sentence.

"Y/n, I'm home!" Travis yelled as he walked inside the apartment. Yet she was too occupied with her reading she didn't answer. A sigh left Travis lips as he saw his lover seated on the couch with a frown on her face. Walking up behind her and hovering over the backrest, he sneaked a hand around her waist and kissed her temple. A smile spread across her lips before looking at him.

"How did the casting go?" Y/n asked as Travis let go of her before walking around the couch to take a seat.

"Good, are you seriously reading that again?" Travis asked as he pulled her legs onto his lap before starting to massage her feet. She giggled when his fingers tickled her feet as he massaged them. He even scraped with his nail which tickled yet the muscles in her core contracted.

"I read these magazines before this happened, it's just fun to know what people are saying," She answered before throwing the magazine on the table. "I just can't believe its actually 2016 when people are commenting about our age gap!" She exclaimed. She threw away the magazines and crawled over to straddle his waist. He gripped her waist tightly as she kissed his lips, his tongue asking for permission rather quickly. They both had missed each other, Travis had been busy and they hadn't just been the two of them for almost two weeks which was very unusual.

"I've missed you," She whispered between kisses before resting her forehead against his, looking him in the eyes. Travis smiled pushed his forehead slightly on hers.

"I've missed you too, very much," He said before leaving a lot of wet kisses on her neck which made her giggle. Her hands gripped his neck and tugged at his hair slightly as he bent forward. He surprised her when he stood up without letting go of her body. His hands moved down to her cheeks as she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. She reattached their lips as he walked her towards their bedroom.

Soon the sound of skin slapping in force and moans echoed around their apartment. Three orgasms for her and one for him later they laid side by side in the big queen sized bed trying to catch their breaths, bodies covered in sweat. She rolled onto her side, messy hair in every possible angle, her eyes glimmering in the faint light from the nightstand and Travis could only smile as he realized how lucky he was.

"We really needed that," He said and rested one hand behind his head and smiled when she chuckled.

"Yep, however I'm starving," She said and he laughed, knowing well enough of her hunger after séx. She quickly crawled off the bed and his eyes never leaving her naked body. She didn't bother to get dressed, she only walked outside and into the kitchen with Travis hot on her heels.

Y/n stood in front of the opened fridge, her eyes roaming the filled shelves when Travis appeared behind her and wrapped his arms around her body before leaving kisses on her neck and shoulder. Him humming in approval when one of his hands gripped her naked breast filled the silence. She tilted her head back, resting it on his shoulder as she cheekily pushed her ass back, grinding it on his semi excited friend. Travis groaned and bit down on her shoulder.

"I really need to eat if I'm going to have another round or rounds," She said truthfully and he stopped kissing her neck before looking inside the fridge. He needed to fix something quickly so they could return to the bedroom and enjoy each others company even more. He sucked his teeth before licking them as he tried to figure something out, they had a box of mac and cheese in the cupboard.

"I'll make something," Be began before turning them around to the kitchen island. "And you can rest that very sweet ass on one of the chairs." He continued and she chuckled before making her way towards the chairs. Travis got everything fixed, and his eyes were glued on the stove as he waited for the food when he heard a chuckle from behind. He looked over his shoulder with a smile on his face before pulling out plates and glasses.

"The naked chef," Y/n giggled when she looked at his cute ass. Soon he filled a plate with the cheesy pasta before walking over to Y/n. His còck hardening slightly when he saw her licking his lips. He rubbed her back a little before starting to eat himself, mentally cursing when Y/n moaned loudly when she took her first bite.

"I live for this," She exclaimed and moaned again as he laughed. She kept shoving the cheesy pasta into her mouth before she looked at the man she loved, a smile covered her lips when she saw some cheese stuck in the corner of his mouth, on his now very short beard. She reach out to get a napkin before wiping it off. It was still a little to long for her to lick of, yet she thought it was very sexy. She had been very happy when he finally could cut off his long season 4 beard. His hair slowly started to grow back, yet she wouldn't mind if he would rock that vikings season 1 hair style on a daily basis. She thought those braids were very attractive.

Y/n was soon finished and even if she had shoved the food into her stomach he still had emptied his plate before her. She only had a few forks left as he rubbed his hand on her neck, massaging gently with his strong hands. He got up and stood behind her, wrapping his hands around her body once again as he kissed her neck. She only chuckled slightly, carefully not to choke on her food, she placed a hand over her mouth

"You're tickling me," She said before stuffing her last mouthful of food into her mouth. Travis only smiled before moving one hand up to her breasts, groaning slightly when he felt her hard nipple. When he peaked over her shoulder he had watched a glimpse of her rubbing her thighs together. "Thank you for dinner," She said and placed her hands over his as she tilted her head back to rest it on his shoulder.

"No problem baby," He hummed and sucked on the spot below her ear which made her giggle.

"Maybe there's a way for me to show you how thankful I am?" She said a smiled and it was contagious. His smile were wide as he looked her int he eyes.

"As a matter of fact there is,"

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