*˖✶ MARCO - Decorating ✶˖*

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You had no idea how long you had been walking around the market to find the perfect christmas tree

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You had no idea how long you had been walking around the market to find the perfect christmas tree. You had lost your boyfriend Marco in the maze of trees. It was as always, you thought you found the perfect tree before you saw another one making the first looking like shit. Even if you were invited to celebrate christmas at Marco's parents house you had agreed to get a tree for your apartment to get some christmas feelings.

"Y/N baby?" You heard the familiar voice yell out you name. You blushed slightly as you walked towards the sound. Soon you found Marco standing by a tree with hope filled in his eyes. You were rather surprised by Marco this evening, he hadn't the best patience but today he hadn't complained once probably because you had lost each other.

"You found a tree?" You asked with anticipation and he nodded with a smile.You walked over to stand beside him and he placed his hand on your waist to pull you closer to his side.

"What do you think about this?" He asked and nodded towards the tree infront of you. Your eyes scanned the tree. It was at a decent size to fit in your car, even and a good green color. You smiled and looked up at him before pecking his lips.

"Its perfect babe." You said and looked him in the eyes. He let out a deep breath of relief which made you chuckle before looking around. "Maybe we should find someone to help us." You mumbled.

About 40 minutes later you had entered your apartment with your tree. Excitement bubbled in your body as you brought it into your living room. You found the perfect spot for it and soon you were searching for the lights, ornaments and glitter. A squeal almost left your mouth when you walked inside with the large box filled with all the decorations for the tree. Marco sat on the couch with his phone in his hands but chuckled when he saw your excitement.

"God I'm such a child!" You exclaimed with a laugh and he hummed with a smirk before joining you with all the ornaments. You looked around in the box for the lights and rolled your eyes as Marco only stood beside you with his hand on your back, his thumb rubbing small circles. "Here." You said and handed him the lights. He began to wrap the lights around the tree and you stood ready beside him with your hands full of ornaments.

When Marco was finished with the lights you began to decorate. Marco helped as well at first before he was glued on the couch watching you fix the rest. As you stood there with your back facing him, ass in the air as you fixed the bottom you heard the sound of the camera. You turned around and Marco was smirking.

"Did you take a picture of me?" You asked but the sound of your phone vibrating on the table. You took your phone and saw that you had gotten a snap chat from Marco. You glared at him and he chuckled as you opened the app. Soon you were facing your own ass with the caption: "View of the day." and the emoji tongue, wide eyes and a peach. You glared at him again and groaned loudly when you saw that he had published it on his story as well. "Marco!" You groaned as you placed your phone on the table again.

"What? You had a very beautiful ass baby, it would be a crime not to show it to the world!" He exclaimed with a laughter and you frowned.

"The world? You have like ten friends on snap!" You mocked him and he stuck his tongue out.

"I do not. Over fifty people have seen it now, look!" He said and you got closer to see. You rolled your eyes when you saw the familiar name.

"Alex has taken a screenshot that's just no!" You said and he chuckled.

"Because he's jealous of me that I have that ass." He said proudly and you laughed.

"It's my ass that I occasionally let you squeeze!" You said as you finished the tree. Marco wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck.

"Let me? If I remember correctly you're almost begging me to touch it." He said before biting your earlobe. You giggled as you placed your hands over his then resting your head back against his shoulder. "Its beautiful baby." He mumbled before biting you neck, sending goosebumps to cover your skin.

"Just like you." You said and he blushed before attaching your lips. You soon turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer as he placed his hands on your waist, thumbs rubbing circles.

"Maybe we should inaugurate the tree this year as we did last year hm?" Marco mumbled against your lips and you chuckled.

"Maybe we should." You winked at him as you pulled away to look him in the eyes. Last year you had inaugurate the tree rather differently; you had fùcked on the floor beside it. You blushed at the memory, it had been very intimate with the soft light from the tree surrounded them. However this time you guided Marco towards the bed and he frowned.

"I was cold last year on the floor plus my knees and hand ached as well." You said with a smirk and he chuckled as his eyes got even darker. He soon hovered above you and you groaned. Piece after piece of clothing was thrown at the floor and soon you were completely engulfed in the pleasure. Marco kissed your neck as he kept thrusting deep inside you. Moans, groans and the sound of skin slapping filled your ears. However Marco soon stopped and you frowned when he pulled away. A yelp left your lips as he picked you up and moved to the other side of the couch. You were now straddling his waist as he sat down. His hands quickly found your cheeks and he squeezed them with his large hands.

"Ugh baby... just- just like that yeah." Marco groaned as he tipped his head back and closed his eyes when you rode him. You answered with a moan when you felt him fill you up when you got down. Soon you sat down and circled you hips and he groaned loudly. "Just like that baby... I'm gonna cu-" He said but got cut of by his moan. He quickly placed his hands on your bundle of nerves before he started to rub fast and small circles.

"I'm cl-close baby." You moaned and he answered with one himself.

"Baby cùm fo me." He said as he pushed his hips up, pushing even deeper inside you as he started to suck on your nipples. Not long after you were both breathing heavily and you sat down beside him. He placed his hand around your shoulder and kissed your temple as you looked at the tree. "Love you." He mumbled after a while and you smiled.

"Love you too." You answered. "The tree is great." You later on said and he chuckled.

"It really is." He said and kissed your cheek. "You did a very good job." He continued and you chuckled.

"You found the tree." You said and he smiled. Then he placed his hand on your naked thigh and hummed.

"Let's take a shower eh?" He said and you nodded. "Maybe a round two?" He continued and you smiled but before he could stand you moved to sit on his lap again. He raised his brow as he smirked.

"Maybe we can have another round here and take the third in the shower?" You said and he groaned before attaching your lips again.

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