ALEX - Drunk in love

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warning: mature content!!


You had joined the Vikings cast for season 4. You played a fiercer princess who gets forced to marry Björn when you started to develop feeling towards Ivar. The years had been amazing with all the actors, produces and the directors. Hirst were an amazing writer and you had followed the series before your friend forced you to audition.

You had learnt a lot from the other actors. You had grown close with Alex, Marco, Alexander, Jordan and the older cast members these years. However you had grown certainly close with Alex. He was a really easy going guy who lived his life to the fullest. His energy was amazing and his mind were equally fascinating.

"Have you decided what to wear yet love?" Gee asked and you simply shook you head. You had agreed on joining her, Alex, Marco, Jordan and his girlfriend for a night out. It was Friday and we had the weekend off which they thought were worth celebrating.

"I thought I could wear these hight waisted black jeans with a black crop top and my bomber jacket?" You said and raised your brow. Gee looked at the items in your hands and nodded. She was dressed in black pants and a tank with a fake leather jacket. Her white hair was braided and her make up made to perfection.

"Great," She said and gave you a smile before taking a sip of her drink. You quickly got changed into your clothes in the bathroom before returning to the bedroom. You had offered to have a pre drink with her at your place which she accepted.

"Are you going to do try anything tonight?" Gee asked after a while and you frowned as you touched up your make up. "Oh, don't play oblivious. Are you going to try anything with Alex?" She continued and you looked at her through the mirror.

"No?" You said and decided to skip blush since you cheeks usually had a pink shade to them.

"Why not? You're a bomb, he's attractive and he's probably secretly drooling over you as well," Gee said and you scoffed.

"Don't think so Gee," You let out a sigh. "Have you seen the way he looks, talks and acts around those new girls?" You said sadly and she gave you a comforting smile.

You were currently a few drinks deep into the night. You had met up at a bar in Dublin and for the previous two hours we had been chatting, drinking and dancing. Your cheeks hurt a bit from all the laughing as you spoke with Alex and Marco. You sipped on your drink as you listened to yet another story that left the handsome actor. It was like you didn't listen, you didn't almost care what he said because you were almost in trance by his looks.

When the clock hit twelve o'clock we all were pretty waisted. Your stomach were almost cramping by all the laughter. You were currently sitting at one of the booths with everyone. Alex sat next to you on your right side at the end of the booth and Jordan were sitting on your left side. Between your fifth or sixth shot Alex had placed his hand around your waist. Your skin tingled where his thumb rubbed small circles.

"I need another drink," Marco mumbled.

"Lets get another round of shots!" Gee said and you whined. You weren't too drunk however you felt those shots slowly kick one by one. Alex chuckled at your reaction and you gave him a look.

"Want me to get a drink for you instead?" Alex asked and you nodded.

"Yes please, a beer." You said and he nodded before standing up with Gee to leave us as they headed to the bar. Suddenly Jordan placed his arm around your shoulder and gave you a smile.

"What?" You asked with a smile spreading across your face.

"Nothing, just the obvious," Jordan said and you frowned. Gee and Alex came back. Gee with a tray of shots with a clear liquid filled inside of them and Alex with two beers. Jordan removed his arm.

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