ALEX - Lazy

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Y/n woke up by the bed moving, or the person behind her moved. Soon she felt strong arms wrap themselves around her waist, pulling her closer before a deep breath fanned over her ear. Barely awake she smiled before placing her hand over his. As she did so she felt him nuzzle his head into the crook of her neck, leaving a few pecks before letting out a sigh. Soon his deep breathing lulled her back to sleep, neither one of the caring about what time it was as they continued to sleep.

Alex had returned back to Denmark yesterday from Ireland. He was finished with the filming of Vikings season 5. They had ordered some food and watched tv as they made out of the couch. Alex had been hovering above her as they tongues danced together, both had missed each other dearly. Neither one of them new how long they had been kissing before he sat up, pulled her with her so she could straddle his waist. Her simple grey hoodie had soon been thrown to the floor before his hands roamed her body. One hand was resting on her waist, slowly pressing her down a bit as she moved her hips back and forth. The other hand moved back to unclasp only to place his hand over one of her then naked breasts.

Y/n tugged as his hair before moving her hands down to tug at the hem of his shirt, he reached out for the remote, turning the tv off before removing his shirt. Alex had sneaked the hand on her breast down to her thighs, then he had dipped his hand inside, slowly rubbing her throbbing clít through her laced panties. As they later on hand made their way to their shared bedroom in a medium sized apartment in Copenhagen.

She woke up once again, an hour later, feeling more awake than ever. Alexs arms were still tightly wrapped around her, head nuzzled into her neck as their legs were tangled with each others. She moved her hand behind his head, tugging at his chestnut colored hair before gently scraped her nails against his scalp as she stretched her tired limbs. Alex groaned and started to move as well, slowly waking up.

"Ugh... fùck I'm tired," He mumbled in a deep and raspy morning voice that sent shivers down her back. He pulled away as he stretched, yawing loudly as he moved onto his back. She turned to look at him, smiling as she saw him laying there. One hand behind his head underneath the fluffy white pillow, the blanket barely covering his hard member, his happy trail tempting her as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Morning baby," She mumbled as she hovering above him, he stopped rubbing this eyes and looked at her with a smile before pecking him on the lips. When she pulled away he refused, he pulled her back and attached their lips again, neither one cared about morning breath. He moved his hand underneath the blanket, to stroke himself as they kissed. However she only pulled away and moved onto her back. He groaned a little before stopping touching himself, yet there was no sign his member would retreat back down anytime soon.

"What are you doing? Things were starting to get very interesting..." He almost whined which made her chuckle.

"I'm not in the mode for that now." She mumbled as he moved closer to her, pulling her closer a well. Soon he nuzzled his head into her neck and left kisses yet he stopped when she said she wasn't in the mood.

"My overly sexual girlfriend is not in the mood? I think that's a first," He said and dramatically seemed shocked which mad her laugh before throwing a pillow at him then moving to her side, back facing him. He moved over, spooning her after kissing her shoulder.

"I'm actually sore," She mumbled again as her cheeks heated. They had been at it almost all night, she think she probably came four times which was a lot, especially when she hadn't gotten anything in a while, she couldn't compare her occasional self made orgasms with him pounding into her.

"Aw baby.." He said with a smile on his face as he hugged her close. "I hope you don't have any plans for today because I had planned the day for us in the bed. Just cuddling, watching movies and I even planned for us to eat in here as well,"

Y/n only laughed and he joined. She turned to look at him, a wide smile covering her lips before she kissed him.

"I really like that idea, only if I can shower first," She said and he chuckled before nodding. She sat up and he moved over to his back again, his eyes roaming her naked body. "You wanna join?"

"You go, I'll join you in a bit. I just need to take care of this," He said and pointed at his hard member still underneath the blanket. Her eyes moved to the quite large bulge and chuckled as a blush stained her cheeks. She bent down, dipping her hand beneath the covers and took a firm grip of his very hard member. Alex let out a sigh.

"I could've helped you with that in the shower," She teased him and he moved as his hips moved with her rhythm. A groan left his lips before looking at her.

"You said you were sore, If I would join you in the shower with this that soreness won't disappear. Believe me," He mumbled as moaned when she picked up the pace. She would've lied to herself if she said she didn't get aroused when she saw his facial expression as she pumped him, the way his hips moved with her hand.

"How thoughtful," She chuckled before stopping. She walked away and when she walked all naked towards the attached bathroom she peeked over her shoulder. She saw his eyes glued on her nacked body, lips sunk deeply into his plump lips as his hand pumped his hard member.

She could hear his muffled groans as she waited for the water to get streaming. A smile spread across her lips, she bit down on her bottom lip after licking it. She looked herself in the mirror, her hair resembled a bird nest. She reached for the brush and quickly combed it out with some struggle before stepping inside the shower. A sigh left her lips as the warm water flooded down her body. She smiled once again when she could hear a pair of bare feet on the tile floor and not long after Alex wrapped his arms around her naked body, pecking her shoulder. 

They stood like that for a while before Alex reached for the soap, squeezing some in his hand before starting to massage her back. She smiled before mimicking him before starting to clean her body. Alex hands moved down to her ass and both of them chuckled when he gave each a squeeze. 

When she had cleaned her body, she turned around to rinse her back as she got some soap in her hand before she attacked his chest and very delicate abs. He placed his hands on her waist as she washed him.

Soon both of them were clean and they got dressed in sweatpants, Alex didn't bother to put a shirt on and Y/n only put on a looser yoga sports bra. They walked over to the bed and Alex got his laptop ready, they decided to look at an episode before grabbing something to eat for breakfast or more for brunch.

However they barely watched the episode, the sound on mute as they talked. He had pulled her leg over his waist as she moved closer. She took her phone and wanted to take a picture of them now when they were all cuddly. She took a picture of Alex who texted his mother back with one hand since the other seemed to refuse to leave her thigh, she smiled when she saw the cuddly photo of him smiling at his phone. She opened snapchat and took a picture of their bodies, their faces out of the picture and answered her friends snapchat who complained over her 12-hour shift at work. 


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