MARCO - Cosy nights

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warning: mature content!!


Today had been a busy day. Marco had left early this morning to get ready for filming and would come home in a few hours. He had told me yesterday that he would have a few days off including the weekend so I had decided to do some grocery shopping and I've cleaned our whole apartment.

We usually had he first night of his free time spent together and the other nights Alex and Jordan usually came over if we didn't decide to go out in Dublin. Since Marco had been working a lot lately I had decided to make this night special, I had bought some nice food, snacks and other things for his free time.

Our apartment had been extremely messy. Clothes were laying everywhere, literally everywhere. Marco's disgusting boxers were even laying on the kitchen floor, the couch and other remarkable places. I had put all laundry in the washer which had taken the whole day almost, the last bunch of clothes were in the washer right now.

Now it was cleaned. I had even changed the sheets in our bedroom so it all smelled nice and not the familiar faint smell of sweat, sex and dirt. I quickly ran into the shower and cleaned my hair followed by my body before getting dressed in a pair of comfortable Nike shorts, sports bra and one of Marco's white shirts. My hair I simply put in a high ponytail

"Baby, I'm home!" Marco yelled as he walked through the door. "I bought us food on the way home!" He said as you could heard him place the bags on the kitchen counter.

"Great, what did you get?" I answered before hanging up the wet towel in the bathroom.

"Oh this looks nice." Marco mumbled in the living room. "Have you been cleaning?" Marco asked as he entered the bathroom. Marco looked a bit tired with his messy brown hair. He was still a bit dirty from his make up. A smile spread across his lips as his eyes met mine.

"Yes, it looked like shit here," I said before embracing him in a hug. He pulled away a bit so he could place his lips on mine. His tongue quickly asking for entrance to deepen the kiss. However I had other plans, even though I wanted to kiss him all night.

"Quickly shower so the food doesn't get cold," I said and his eyes looked at my hair.

"Have you already showered, I thought you could join me?" Marco smiled before trying to pout.

"Then the food would get cold," I said and he rolled his eyes. "So jump in the shower and I'll wait on the couch. I walked out from the bathroom and chuckled when I heard him whine from inside. Soon the shower started as I took the bags of Five Guys. I placed all the food on the table as I heard the shower get turned off way quickly than it usually does.

"Bought us one cheeseburger each, normal fries for you and I took the cajun one's," Marco said from the bedroom as I got some drinks from the fridge.

"Great, what do you want to drink? I bought pepsi, water and beer!" I asked as I heard him walk inside the living room.

"I'll have a.." Marco said before I heard him taking a fry from one of the cups. "glas of pepsi," He continued with food in his mouth. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. I took out the bottle of Pepsi and two glasses before walking back to the living room. I sat down next to Marco who looked through the various of different kinds of movies and series.

"What do you want to watch?" He asked before stuffing some more fries in his mouth. The nice smell of his cologne mixed with the food, a rather pleasant smell.

"Doesn't matter actually," I mumbled before taking a bite from my burger. A moan left my lips when I ate. The whole day I had been cleaning and preparing for this and hadn't had that much to eat except a banana with some water. Marco put on the Marvel movie Thor. We have seen that movie like hundred times.

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