ALEXANDER - Date night.

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The smell of my favorite body lotion that matched my shower gel filled my nostrils. After a longer shower than I had expected filled with shaving foam, scrubbing, shampooing, conditioning and I even fixed a hair mask, a fluffy towel hugged my body and hair. My dear boyfriend of three years today was sitting on the bed outside with his phone in his hands dressed in only his boxers.

"When do we have do leave?" I yelled from inside and wished he could hear me over whatever that seemed to have gotten his full attention on his phone. "Babe!" I later on yelled when he didn't respond. A sigh left my lips when he only hummed. With sticky hands I opened the door, a sigh left my lips when I felt the cold air hit my warm face. "Babe!" I said in a stern voice and his head snapped up, his eyes widen.

"What?" He asked with his eyes glued on my body.

"When do we have to leave?" I repeated myself and he licked his lips. "Why are you staring at me?" I continued and frowned.

"At eight," He said and gulped. "Your towels has..."He continued and nodded towards me. I looked down and saw that my nipple was slightly on show. I only rolled my eyes while chuckling before walking back inside to finish moisture my skin. When my skin was smooth I fixed my make up, keeping it simple and natural. I didn't have the greatest acknowledge when it came to make up, I simply used foundation, powder, mascara, my brow pencil and a nude shimmer eye shadow.

After blowdrying my hair and curling it quickly I left the bathroom and Alexander was no where to be seen. I could hear him from the kitchen as I walked towards our wardrobe. A sigh left my lips when I looked at my clothes. Alexander hadn't told me where we are going tonights so I didn't know what to wear. Are we going to In N' Out or a fancy restaurant? We usually never went out and ate on our date nights, we usually stayed at home and watched tv while cuddling on the couch with take away.

I saw a simple black tight fitting dress which I chose to wear. It ended mid thigh and hugged my body perfectly. My breasts looked great, the dress didn't reveal to much or too little either. I walked out from the bedroom and into the hall. My eyes widen when I saw Alexander. He was dressed in a pair of black dress pants and a white button up. I bit my lip as I observed him as he fixed his man bun.

"Why are you looking that hot tonight?" I asked and he looked at me through the mirror. "I'm just looking like this," I continued and waved my hand over my body. Alexander only chuckled and turned around. He was looking really good, those black pants hugged his hips perfectly. The white button up hopping his upper arms tightly due to his muscular arms.

"You look good baby, very good," Alexander said as his eyes roamed my body. I blushed before walking over to him to look in the mirror. As I did so, he placed his hand on my hips as he looked at us in the mirror. "Fùck we look good baby," He mumbled and I chuckled. He kissed my temple and I, due to his height looked up at him. I licked my lips before he kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back and he gave my waist a gentle squeeze. Before the kiss got heated I pulled away.

"We need to go," I said as took my phone and bag. I quickly looked at the time, 08:03 pm, before placing my phone in my bag. Alexander took his things before handing me my jacket.

We walked down the streets of New York. We had been staying here for a while. Alexander had some work to do, some auditions, meeting with his agent and I had never been here before so Alexander decided to show me the beautiful city.

"It's just across the road," He said and my eyes instantly roamed the other side of the busy street. I saw a elegant restaurant and my eyes widen. We walked over the road hand in hand before walking towards the delicate restaurant. My eyes were wide when we walked inside. A delicious smell of food filled my nostrils as my eyes roamed the dim lit restaurant. Couples were dining together, giving each other lovely gazes.

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