*˖✶ ALEX - Baking ✶˖*

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You and Alex had just arrived back from the supermarket. Both your hands were occupied to carry the bags filled with four, butter, chocolate, spices and sugar. You and our boyfriend of a year had decided to have a relaxing evening together with some baking. You had planned to bake some gingerbread, saffron buns and other kinds of cookies.

Since your boyfriend had the mind of a six year old you were mentally preparing yourself for a mess in the kitchen. As you set up in the kitchen Alex took it upon himself to play some christmas songs. Soon he sound of 'Last Christmas' was blasting through your apartment and you chuckled when you felt his arms wrap themselves around his body.

"What are we making first?" He asked and you hummed as you shrugged. "The buns?" He said and squeezed your butt cheeks which made you let out a yelp before laughing. Alex gave you a wink before looking for the recipe. As you reached for the flour he held up his hands to stop you and you frowned.

"What?" You asked and he walked out from the kitchen without saying anything.

"I though since we're baking I got us matching aprons!" He said excitedly as he entered the kitchen, one had a Santa print on it and the other had an elf print. He handed you the elf one and you raised your brow.

"Well your my helper!" He shrugged with a smirk and you rolled your eyes.

"We both know that's not true." You said with a chuckle before putting on the apron. When you were ready you both stood and read the recipe with frowns on your faces. Alex placed his arms around your shoulder after giving your neck a squeeze. Alex was the hands down the most touchy person you had ever known. He was almost always touching you when he wasn't away filming. His mother always made fun of it, saying you were glued to each other.

"So we have to grind the saffron with the sugar? Why?" He mumbled as he picked up the small package of saffron. You nodded.

"Yeah, it mixes better plus it gets a stronger taste of saffron." You said and he hummed.

"Do we have a grinder?" He mumbled, unsure and you laughed. "Like a real grinder and not you..." He mumbled and when you shot him a look he winked at you.

"Yes, second drawer." You said and questioned if you should ask for his apron. He walked over and got the grinder did as he was told in the recipe. You mixed the rest and not too long after it was time to let it set under a cloth. As you placed the cloth on top you felt his large hand slam against you ass. You gasped and looked at him as he laughed.

"Now you got a mark." He said and looked at your ass with a pleased look on his face as he licked his lips. You looked down on you black pants and saw his handprint in flour. You let out a sigh before walking over to the flour and quickly threw some in his way. Before you knew it you were chasing each other in the kitchen, wanting to limit the disaster as much as possible. Your stomach was hurting from all the laughing and the both of you had each others handprints on your asses, aprons and hair almost white with flour.

"Looks like we have to shower later..." He said and walked over to you. You took a few steps back but soon hit the wall. He placed his hands on either side of your head before inching his head closer. Your breaths mixed before he pecked your lips. A hitch left your lips before you kissed back, gripping his flour covered hair with your hands. The baking was forgotten as you kept kissing each other.

"Babe, the dough." You mumbled agais this lips but didn't stop kissing him. "The dough needs our attention!" You added but still didn't stop kissing him. Alex chuckled against your lips but also kept kissing you.

"Maybe we should go back to baking." He said but you kept kissing. You wrapped your hand around his neck to pull him closer and for a while it was only the sound of the music that was being heard.

"Maybe." You answered too long after but after too much kissing you pulled away. "We have time for that later, now we need to bake. I'm craving the buns!" You exclaimed and he chuckled as he followed you o the dough.

"Has it risen? I mean since the heat we've brought to the room?" He said cheekily and you rolled your eyes while chuckling.

"Yes. Look its perfect." You said and he looked at the now almost triple the size. Alex volunteered to knead the dough. You sat on a chair by the table as he kept kneading, your eyes glued on his arms. Your teeth sunk into you bottom lip as you saw the way his muscles moved under his skin. His arms had grown a lot since he got back o filming for Vikings. Alex smirked as he saw you checking him out.

"Like it baby?" He asked but you didn't hear so he stopped kneading and flexed his muscles and snapped you out of your thoughts. "Like it baby?" He asked and you looked him in the eyes and nodded.

"Let's make some buns!" You said as he was finished with the kneading. You started to make some buns and you noticed Alex eyes wandering over your body as his hands was occupied with the dough.

"These are going to be great look at these!" He said and you chuckled. "But no matter how good these are I'll always prefer your buns." He said and winked at you. You blushed as you remained silence, focusing on the dough. You were on your last bun when Alex wrapped his arms around your waist and nibbled on you earlobe.

"Can you put this tray in the oven babe?" You asked as he kissed down your neck. "So we can be done?" You asked, baking and taken too much time. You had barely made one thing and it was almost 10 pm. You were tired and restless. Alex nodded as he put the last tray in the oven. He sat down on the chair as you waited, and you made you way over to straddle his waist. A pleased smile spread over his lips as he placed his hands on your ass for support before kissing you.

"I'm so damn lucky I ran into you a year ago." He spoke between kisses.

"My ass thinks otherwise." You argued and he chuckled. You had met while christmas shopping and you had bumped into each other, both hurrying to buy the last presents as well as the rest of Denmark. You had fell to the ground as he failed to reach out to grab your arm to keep you on your feet. He didn't only knock you to the ground but also knocked the air out of your lungs.

"Please." He said and you chuckled.

"I love you baby." He said and your eyes widen, he had never said it before. Hope filled his eyes as he looked deeply into yours.

"I love you too."

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