DAVID - Celebrations

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About a year ago I had met David, my current boyfriend. Not long after he had told me that he had been asked by his agent to audition for a part in an international production in Ireland. He had gotten a manuscript from his agent however he started to doubt himself.

I had encouraged him to travel to Stockholm for the audition since I thought he should at least try and it would be a great experience. Now I'm seated in our semi large apartment in Dublin as David had been casted on Vikings. David had his first shooting today so in surprise I had fixed some champagne, strawberries and cleaned the whole apartment.

A faint smell of coconut mixed with vanilla was present. I had just gotten a shower before taking a seat onto the couch. I had probably changed the channel five hundred times since I turned the television on however anxiousness grew in my body as I waited for my boyfriend to arrive home.

David hadn't texted or called and I hadn't almost woken up before he had to leave. David had even some slight problem sleeping last night due to excitement. They had been going to the scrips and everything for a period of time and now it was finally time for the fun part, to quote David.

"Babe! I'm home!" David yelled with a voice filled with enthusiasm as he entered the apartment. Being snapped out from my thoughts I blinked a few timed before smiling as I ran towards the door. David took off his shoes before opening his arms before engulfing me in a big hug.

His long blond hair was up in a bun which gave me access to his neck. I placed my lips at the base of his neck before pulling away to look at him eyes. His blue was filled with excitement.

"How was it?" I asked and his smile got wider. David had been on smaller Swedish tv-series and such before but nothing this big.

"It was really great. It felt so surreal to be dressed as a viking. The costumes are spot on and I can't wait for you to see it," David said before kissing me. A smile spread on my lips as we kissed. I pulled away and walked inside the kitchen to pull out the champagne.

"I bought this today so we could celebrate," I said as he walked inside the kitchen and placed a hand on my spine. I poured the bubbly liquid with the golden color before handing him his glas.

"Cheers to your first shooting," I said and held out my glas.

"Cheers to my supportive girlfriend," David said and I blushed as I took a sip of champagne. As we drank my eyes widen.

"Shit I forgot the strawberries!" I said as I almost choked on the drink. David only laughed as I quickly walked over to the fridge and took the red berries from the top shelf. I quickly removed the green leafs on two before plopping one in David's glas and one in mine. We cheered once again before taking another sip.

David reached for a strawberry before taking a bite of it, almost seeming nervous. I chose to ignore it as I took one for myself. A moan almost left my lips as the sweet juices filled my mouth.

"The guys asked if they could meet you," David mumbled with a strawberry in his mouth before swallowing hard.

"Your actor buddies?" I asked and he nodded. I took a sip of champagne. "When?" I continued.

"They wondered if you're up for some drinks on Friday at Alex's place," David said as he took another strawberry.

"That would be fun," I said and he smiled at me before pecking me on the lips.

"They want to celebrate our first week and since I'm the only one in a relationship right now they thought you would like to join us," David explained and I nodded before smirking.

"But now, we're going to celebrate your first day," I said before placing my lips on his deeply. A few clothes on the floor, messy kisses and tongues dancing we laid naked in between the sheets. Moans left our lips as thin layers of sweat covered both of our skins.

Friday had arrived and I was dressed in a pair of high waisted skinny black jeans and a black crop top with my bomber jacket and a crystal choker. My short hair was messily straight and crystal earrings shone in the hairy mess. To get some color my lips were coated in a layer of red lipstick. David had matched with a pair of black jeans and a black t shirt.

We walked down a quiet hall, past black doors before arriving at the right one. Loud music was heard from inside as David knocked.

"Do  you think they'll hear?" Just as I asked the door swung open. Revealing a brunett guy with long hazelnut colored hair, blue eyes and rather awful sideburns. A wide smile spread in his lips, revealing a set of perfect white teeth.

"David my man!" The guy greeted my boyfriend before his eyes landed on me. "This beauty right here as to be Y/N," The guy said as his smile widen. I returned it and nodded.

"Nice to meet you..?"

"Y/N this is Alex, Alex this is Y/N," David said before walking inside to greet the others who's voices was nearly heard over the music. Alex motioned for me to enter. I removed my jacket and I felt a pair of eyes burn down my body but I ignored it as I walked inside the cosy apartment only to be met by four other eyes.

"Guys this is Y/N my girlfriend," David said and the two guys, one with rather more beard than the other nodded approvingly before standing up to greet me. Both of them clapping on my boyfriends back.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Y/N, I'm Jordan," The hairier guy spoke and shook my hand.

"I'm Marco,"

"Great to meet you guys," I said and the all nodded before Alex walked out from the kitchen with a bottle of champagne and vodka.

"Since Y/N you're Swedish as well as David we can fully celebrate this Vikings week like true vikings," Alex said and I nodded with a smile.

"You're all scandinavian?" I asked and Jordan shook his head. David handed me a glas of champagne as the rest got theirs.

"Alex and I are both from Denmark," Marco said and I hummed.

"Scottish over here," Jordan said and I opened my mouth to speak but Alex cut me off, answering my unspoken question.

"But he's on Vikings so we had accepted him in our squad," Alex said and I chuckled. "Skål fellow vikings,"


Guys this is bad, soooooo bad however I got major writers block. I feel like I've let you guys down with this book. I don't update as much as I want to but I want to make you guys happy. This book will probably have slow updates for now. I truly am sorry.

I have a hard time coming up with ideas and yes I know I can open my request but it's hard to write from requests too since I want you to be happy by my story I'm writing from your request. I don't know if my words even makes sense. Sorry once again, I will try to be better in the future.


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